I'm in Amsterdam!

Hello from Amsterdam!

I feel like I'm cheating a little, as I said I would write a blog post every day of the year. This is something I even managed to do when I went on holiday with my friends in the summer. 

However, I'm not taking my laptop on this holiday, simply because I can't be bothered for all the hassle at the airport of having my laptop checked and processed to make sure its not dangerous or secretly a bomb or anything like that. So, for the first time in my life, and for the first time in my year of writing a blog post every single day (bar today when I'm writing five in one day to make up for the four days I'm away!) I will be scheduling blog posts to be published and will be writing them in advance. 

I feel like I'm cheating as I'm now not technically writing a post every day, I'm just posting a post every day, but I guess it still kind of counts, right? I will still have done 366 blog posts by the end of the year! 

This break for me is definitely needed. I haven't been to many places in the world, but of all the places I have been, Amsterdam is definitely my favourite. I'm in love with the city, I know the main drag of it like the back of my hand and I hope to live there for at least a short portion of my life one day. 

I first went to Amsterdam for my 18th birthday with my then boyfriend. We had such a good time that as soon as we came home from the mini weekend break, we booked a longer break there for the summer. After that glorious summer break, we booked another one for the following summer. We planned to keep going back, once a year, every year. 

And then...well, you know what happened. I thought I'd never go to Amsterdam again, I couldn't face the idea of being there without the person I had most enjoyed it with. I didn't want to even think about going. 

Of course, this was still when it was all fresh and raw. Months down the line I realised how much I desperately wanted to go back, and when my sister broke up with her long term boyfriend, it seemed that booking this much needed break to Amsterdam was the perfect thing to do. We'd just been paid, we were both single, I needed to make new memories there and she wanted to visit anyway, so we booked it. 

I'm so excited to be back in the city I love most and making new, fresh memories with my sister! I'm also incredibly excited to show her around, take her to some of my favourite spots and restaurants and what have you. I only hope she loves it as much as I do...! 

Ah, Amsterdam. I have missed you and I am so, so excited to be back. 

Love from, 
Florence Grace


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