Unpopular opinions

Do you ever see everyone talking about something on social media and you just don't get it? Yep, I get that a lot, so I thought I'd share some of my 'unpopular opinions' with you guys to see if anyone agrees with me on any of them! So let's get started...

Pumpkin Spice Latte's suck
Okay so I had a PSL frappucino but I imagine the taste is the same, and the taste was grim my friends- grim. It was sickly sweet but not in a nice way and I couldn't finish it, which broke my heart because it cost the Earth. 

Eyebrows aren't important
A few years ago when everyone suddenly started bothering with their eyebrows, I said to my bestie Bobbie "I don't get this hype, it will be over in a year or so". A few years later, everyone is still on this eyebrow hype and the first thing girls use to insult each other is eyebrows. I don't get it. Are you really that butt hurt because someone doesn't like your brows? People could say far worse things. 

MAC is overrated
Seriously. The Make Up Revolution products are twice as good and are just a fraction of the price. 

Urban Decay is only popular because of the packaging
People like to Instagram those pretty display boxes, the quirky names of the eyeshadow colours, the glamorous palettes and everything else. Yet from reviews I've read, and from testing products myself, I think the actual products are just pretty average. 

Apple products aren't that great
They are so confusing to use in comparison with android and window's products, plus they always need updating so you can get the latest version of a Santa emoji (which by the way iOS 10, looks shit). People like them because they are Instagrammable and because of the brand name. I like products I can use with ease. 

Nando's sucks
Seriously are you all blind? Lacking in tastebuds? Plain stupid? IT'S JUST CHICKEN?! I don't get it!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck?! My mum makes better chicken than Nando's, heck I've bought better chicken in Aldi before! Nando's is nothing special at all! 

The Kardashians are amazing
Why does everyone hate them because they're 'rich for doing nothing'? If I could be rich for doing nothing, I'd 100% take that lifestyle. Who wouldn't want to live the life of a Kardashian! 

Pugs aren't that cute
Since Zoella got her pug, everyone has been going pug crazy in some weird kind of frenzy. Why? They're pretty ugly and there is way cuter dogs to love. 

Victoria's Secret is overpriced
I love the body mist's from there, don't get me wrong, but everything else is massively overpriced. £50 for a t-shirt that looks like it came from Primark? No thank you! 

Katie Hopkins is great
I don't really need to explain this one. If you've been here long enough, you'll know that I love her. 

What unpopular opinions do you have? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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