Don't vote for Donald Trump

Its as simple as the title says. Don't vote for the raging lunatic that is Donald Trump. I was already repulsed and maddened by him and all that he stands for, but after the shrewd way he was recorded speaking about women that was revealed this weekend, I wish he could be eradicated from existence.

Now let's face it, Hilary Clinton isn't the dream candidate. She isn't perfect. But without a doubt she is far, far better than the alternative that is Donald Trump. For all her imperfections, she fights for far more positive issues than Donald Trump does. Trump believes that women shouldn't have the right to abortions, and if they do have an abortion, they should be punished, but that men should not because "its different". Despite the fact that, you know, it takes a man and woman to make a baby.

He believes that women are less worthy than men.

He speaks in such degrading terms about women you almost wouldn't believe it. He calls girls fat and ugly, he has made perverted comments about girls as young as 13, he has made sexually inappropriate comments about his own daughter and has been accused of sexual abuse before too.

He is incredibly racist and believes that the only way to make America great again is to make it white again.

He wants to build a wall between America and Mexico to segregate them.

Need I go on? He is a vile excuse of a man and he can only provide a toxic reign over the country. He will be detrimental to America, send it hundreds of years backwards and undo the, albeit slow, progress that America has made.

I don't support Hilary because she is a woman and I don't support Hilary because I am a feminist. I support Hilary because it's right. America- and the rest of the world- is in danger if Donald Trump comes to power.

If you're in America and you can vote, I urge you to do so, and I urge you to make the right choice. That choice is not Donald Trump.

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I agree with you so much. I don't understand how a woman could vote for Trump, especially after the weekends events. Surely voting for him is a vote against women? x

    1. I agree, a vote for him is definitely a vote against women! He is a monster. x


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