Childhood regrets

As an adult now, I often look back on my childhood and think about things that I wish had been different- not necessarily because I feel that these aspects were bad but because I just wish they'd been...well. You know, different. So here's a list of things I often think about and wish were a little different! 

I wish I'd been asked to do chores.
Yes, really! In a way, I'm incredibly lucky because I had such an easy, relaxed childhood. There were no chores lists or rotas, me and my sisters literally did nothing around the house- as bad as that sounds! Our parents were made to do so many chores from such a young age themselves, they didn't want our childhood to be the same. While they were making cups of tea and dinners for themselves from the age of about 9, if not younger, me and my sisters have never had to do anything like that, other than tidy away the toys we played with! But as good as this sounds, now at 20 years old I am an ill equipped adult. I can't use a washing machine, tumble dryer, dish washer or iron. I don't know how to make a cup of tea or coffee and the only reason I can 'cook' (and I use that term mildly) is because my previous boyfriend taught me! So while I had an easy childhood, I wish I'd had to do a bit more because I'm ill equipped now! 

I wish I'd played with my toys more.
I spent so much time wishing to be older and a whole lot of time reading too. I had a huge amount of toys and I loved playing with them with my sisters (always taking the best ones for myself of course). However, I wish I'd played with them more. There are times when I go to my dads and see all the old toys and just wish that I could sit down and enjoy one more game of Sylvanian Families or Bratz/My Scene's. I feel like I just didn't take advantage of being able to play with toys as much as I should have! 

I wish I'd been nicer to my sisters.
While I have what I would call a pretty good relationship with both of my sisters now, this wasn't always the case. When I played with my younger sister, Clo, I would manipulate her mind into thinking that my old toys were better than her new ones so she'd let me use them! I'd also make sure that my dolls always stole her dolls boyfriends, I always got the best Sylvanian family and house, even though they were all hers and it just always makes me feel so bad! 

When my youngest sister, Vieve, started wanting to play with us, me and Clo would nine times out of ten tell her no. Me and Clo loved playing My Scene ski resort or My Scene rock band or Candyfloss Island and Emerald City. They were our games and we didn't want Vieve playing them too! I feel so bad because when I look back, I can imagine we would have had even more fun games the three of us, and I hate to think how Vieve must have felt being so left out! I really regret that. 

I wish I'd had a better relationship with my parents.
So many of my friends, and other people on social media, post about how their parents are their best friends. I can only imagine what that's like! I have never had a close relationship with either my parents, and I actually spent a lot of my childhood scared of my dad! While my relationship has improved with him now (thankfully!), I'm not what I would call close to either of my parents. Anytime I've wanted to know something about drinking or drugs or boys or periods or sex or anything like that, I've turned to friends or the older siblings of friends. I could never talk about anything intimate with my parents and as a result was an incredibly naive child up until I was about 14, and I had my friends there to guide (and mock) me. When I'm sad, I turn to friends. If I have a problem, I turn to my friends. I don't know if it's normal or not but I'm just not on a 'friends' basis with my parents! Of course I love them but they're just not my best friends and sometimes I wish it wasn't like that. 

Girls on HBO girls reality hannah parents

Do you have any regrets from your childhood? Share them with me in the comments below so I know I'm not alone!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I had an easy childhood too, and now that I'm 21, even making my bed seems like a mammoth task because it hasn't been routine, but I'm sure we'll get used to it when we live in our own places- and google is always there to help ;)

    When I was around 6, my sister actually drew up a CONTRACT for her to adopt one of my Beanie Babies and tried to dupe me with a full sales pitch, so I don't think you were quite so bad to Clo ;)

    1. Haha oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only one!

      Oh really?! Yes I never did anything quite like that!


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