I use social media. So what?

If you follow me on social media, you'll know that for the last four days, I was in Amsterdam. I had the best time, took loads of amazing photos and, of course, shared these online. Because that's what I like to do, you know?

But you guessed it, this resulted in some criticism for using social media/using social media excessively while on holiday. Because apparently that isn't allowed!

So let me just clear a few things up...

I took time off of work
Believe it or not, I did take time off of work for four, full days. I scheduled my blog posts so I did absolutely no writing, I didn't manage the social media accounts I do and I didn't work at all. I took a much needed and, in my opinion, much deserved break for the first time in at least a year and it was great! So there is no need to be concerned that I wasn't enjoying my break, because I was. 

I use social media
I say I wasn't working, I still continue to build my personal brand "Florence Grace" every day, but as this just involves sharing my life online, I don't really consider that to be "working". I post photos and updates about where I am and what I'm doing, and that isn't really a big deal you know. 

I enjoy social media
When it comes down to it, I enjoy social media, particularly Instagram. So when I share photos, it's because I'm passionate about doing it, I like doing it! I didn't sit on social media all day, but if we got free wifi at a restaurant or when we were at the hotel in the evening after being out allllllll day, yes, I would use social media! 

But lastly...
It's really none of your business, to be honest! If I want to use social media on holiday, I'll use it on holiday! If it really bothers you, simply unfollow me! But to sit and criticise me using social media online is just not only unnecessarily nasty, it's pretty bizarre to because why do you even care?! 

I love social media and I use it a lot. So what? 

Love from, 
Florence Grace 


  1. Haters are stupid timewasters who have nothing better to do with their lives, so they get involved in other people's business, which is kind of sad.



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