Lessons from The Nightmare Before Christmas
I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy The Nightmare Before Christmas, it's such a brilliant film! You can watch it at Halloween, you can watch it at Christmas- in fact, you can watch it all year round! Currently, I'm curled up on the sofa watching it with my sister and I realised that there are some valuable lessons we can learn from the film! Have a read and see if you agree with me...

Everyone gets bored sometimes.
Even when you're the Pumpkin King, life can get repetitive, dull or boring. And that's totally normal. It's okay to change things in your life and switch things up a bit if you want a change from your routine, just like Jack Skellington does!

Jack wanted to try out Christmas instead of Halloween. At first, he can't quite get it right, he doesn't quite understand how to 'do' Christmas; but he is absolutely determined and so he gets there in the end! Likewise, in real life, you're going to face setbacks, both big and small. However, this doesn't mean that you should give up on your dream just because it isn't easy!

Love hurts.
You don't always end up with who you want to. Sometimes, the people you love break your heart. Sometimes they don't even know you exist. While love is, in its truest form, utterly brilliant, it can be frustrating, nerve-wracking and heartbreaking! It happens to everyone and you'll get through it; everything works out in the end.

Don't control a woman.
If you try to control a woman, she'll poison you. Simple.

Things don't always work out.
You might end up hating what you thought was your dream job. You might not get the job in the first place. A relationship might end even though you thought the spark was alive and well. You might buy a car and end up crashing it the next day. Not everything works out, but it's all a part of the learning curve we call life.

Listen to your best friend.
Okay, Jack and Sally aren't technically 'best friends', but she advises Jack against Christmas from the start, and she was right! Rather than saying "women are always right" (we are, of course), I have gone for "listen to your best friend". Because they know you pretty well and are usually right.

Don't listen to the doubters.
While I have just said listen to your best friend, at the same time make sure you don't listen to doubters. Obviously if they're having visions of your life bursting into flames, maybe you should. But generally speaking, don't let people's doubts of you and your abilities hold you back. You're capable of more than you think!

Don't let people tell you who you are.
You are your own person and you can be whoever you want to be! Don't let people dictate your life to you or try to prevent you from changing. It's your life and you can be who you like.

What is your favourite part about The Nightmare Before Christmas? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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