Ask me anything

Earlier on this week, I discovered a social media site called Curious Cat, a site where you can make anonymous confessions and ask anonymous questions to people, similar to the long ago days of Ask.FM and such. I decided to revert back to my 14 year old self and, perhaps against my better judgement, set up an account so that people could anonymously ask me anything/confess things to me! After having the account for a few days, I've noticed that once you give people the chance to be anonymous, they all want to know the same kinds of things... 

All about your sex life
Honestly, it took longer than I expected before I received my first question about my sex life, simply asking "Do you get time for sex?". I'll hold my hands up and be the first to admit I am more than open about my sex life to those who ask- I don't give away intimate details but if people are asking general questions, I have no problem answering! However, I do have a problem with people asking overly personal sex questions anonymously. Do you really think I'd answer those?

About your work
Despite blogging and tweeting and posting an awful lot about my work, nearly every single question I've had has been about my work and my job- how many hours I work, what it is exactly I do, I've even been asked exactly how much I earn! I don't mind sharing these details but feel it's quite a boring topic for people to want to know so much about. 

About conflicts
Of course people want to know all the goss about a conflict between so and so, and under the protection of being anonymous, you can try and find out everything you want to know! 

Totally random questions
Which half of myself would I rather have as part cat, do I prefer potatoes or carrots...the weird questions come in thick and fast and they're always just totally bizarre! But you can't help but love the because they do provide some real amusement (me and BJ genuinely argued over whether a potato or carrot was the better's a potato, obviously)

If you want to join in on the fun and ask me any questions, or even confess something to me, you can do so right here:

Love from,
Florence Grace


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