Losing motivation

If you've been following me on social media for a while, or at least for the duration of 2016, you'll know that on the 1st of January I took on the challenge of writing a blog post for every single day of the year, no matter what. Throughout my birthday week, two holidays and a a variety of drunken nights, I have still posted a blog post without fail, even if it sometimes gets posted at 11:57pm. 

Timing isn't really a problem for me. I always make time to write, it's part of my job after all! However, I'm faced with a bigger problem now. 

Writers block and lack of motivation/inspiration. 

It's difficult writing for a blog that doesn't have a niche. If I was a beauty blogger, there'd be get ready with me and product review posts. If I was a fashion blogger, I could just do endless outfit of the day posts. However, because I'm a lifestyle writer, I can literally write about anything and everything and it literally kills me trying to think of a new topic every single day.

I'm not falling out of love with blogging, no way. I absolutely love blogging and it has totally changed my life. It's always going to play a part in my life I feel. However, I feel like I just really lack inspiration and that puts me in a bit of a slump in regards to my blog.

So this is where you guys come in- you knew I'd be asking for your help, right?

I want to know what kinds of posts you want to see from me! (AKA give me ideas please). Have a written a certain kind of post before that you enjoyed and want to see more of? Is there an issue you think I should discuss on my blog that I haven't yet? I'm open to all kinds of ideas, so just leave any suggestions you may have in the comments below! I would really appreciate it, not only because you'll be giving me post ideas but also because it means I can keep creating content that you guys genuinely want to read!

So go for it...fire away!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I think advice posts would be good! Perhaps ask Vieve about the issues she and her friends face, and offer answers, or ask on twitter if anyone needs some help? I also like the posts where you let your strong opinions fly (in a controlled manner, of course) because you're not a blogger who's afraid of tackling controversial topics x

    1. That's a good idea, hadn't even thought of that! Haha oh they are definitely my favourite posts to write! Thank you lovely x


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