
Today I'm so grumpy that I don't even want to write a blog post. I'm uninspired, I don't want to write, I just want to sit in bed and mope and eat my body weight in allllll the comforting carbs. 

To be honest, nothing is going majorly wrong in my life. I'm still employed, still have a roof over my head, Donald Trump isn't in charge of my country, so you know, some might say I'm doing alright. However, over the last week or so, life just hasn't been going my way, and being the spoiled princess that I am I have had to kick off about it. 

In my post earlier on this week, 21 things by 21, I said:

1) Be selfish
Honestly, I have spent so much of my life putting other people and their happiness before my own and always being screwed over in return that I've learnt that it's totally okay to be selfish. Don't be cruel about it, don't be horrible to people but do put yourself first and be 'selfish'. 

I also said:

Honestly, I hate the saying 'yolo' but over the last year I have found it to be so true. You do only live once and life really is short. It's so important to make the most of every single moment in your life, have fun and make amazing memories. My final life lesson to you at 21 is yolo. For real.

So can someone please explain to me why I'm not taking my own advice? Why I constantly put other peoples happiness before my own despite preaching to you guys that this is not what you should do? Why I am struggling to take risks and do what I want even though my final life lesson was YOLO? I'm mad at myself and I'm mad at the world and there is honestly not much more I can say about it.

I have just come off of my contraceptive pill and I could just be hormonal but that does not invalidate my feelings right now and my feelings right now are G R U M P Y. I honestly can't even find it in me to eat the carbs that I so desire because I'm that grouchy right now. I know, I can't believe it either. 

If the world could just make everything work exactly the way I wanted to, that would be fab. 

Love from,
(HRH Princess) Florence Grace 

(I don't want to be a Queen. I just finished watching The Crown on Netflix and I am sooo over that shit). 


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