Coming off of the pill

It's now been just over a week since I was meant to take the first pill of my next pack and decided not to, and that makes it just over two weeks since I've had a contraceptive pill in my system- the longest time without one since I was 15! While I was worried about how weaning myself off of the contraceptive pill would affect me, it's been a pretty pleasant journey so far.

The biggest and most noticable change so far has been my weight loss. I knew it was going to happen, as every one had said it was the main thing that they experienced, but I have already loss an inch from around my waist and definitely look and feel less bloated.

I've also noticed I feel a lot better within myself. Me and my sister are having hysterical nights together every night where we can't stop laughing, I'm feeling happier generally and a lot less stressed, which I didn't even think would happen as I didn't even feel particularly bad before? I don't really know how to describe it now, but I just feel...lighter? It's a weird sensation I can't really explain. 

I've also noticed a drop in hunger levels. I didn't eat until 2pm today because I just wasn't hungry at all. Obviously this is contributing to the weight loss. 

The only negative effect side effect I've been experiencing is some mild tummy cramps at random intervals. I finished my period last week so realisitcally I shouldn't be getting another one for a while but I know the pill can obviously mess all of that up, and so I might get one randomly any day now! The pain isn't unbearable but its definitely something I didn't have while on the pill. 

I'm going to keep track of all of my side effects and I will keep you guys all updated, as I know some of you have been messaging me about it! 

Let me know if there's any other side effects I should be looking out for in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. I used to take the Pill ages ago (for my periods) and I was on it for almost a year and a half, and it caused so many issues for me. When I came off it I felt so much better. I definitely wouldn't take the Pill again (I changed my Pill twice during the time I was on it) and if I became sexually active, I think I would research non-hormonal (but effective) forms for contraception.



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