Things to do before 22

So in case you missed my onslaught of social media posts celebrating my 21st birthday over the last two weeks, guess what? I just turned 21! I'm basically a fully fledged adult now (supposedly) and yet there is so many 'adult' things that I literally cannot do. In fact, some of them I can't even comprehend doing. I figure now is a good a time as ever to work on accomplishing at least some of these things, so here's a list of things I want to do before 22.

  • Learn to cook. I don't mean just shoving chips in the oven or boiling some pasta. I mean actually learn to cook something from scratch, like a proper adult. 
  • Learn to drive. HONESTLY I can not go on like this. I'm still torn between the balanced pros and cons of driving v. not driving but I need some form of independence and I feel like this will happen through driving. 
  • Go to the dentist alone. (Make the appointment too...)
  • Go to the opticians alone. Ditto above. 
  • Get a 'proper' job. Its all well and good me doing lots of little bits here and there to scrape a living but I feel like it's probably about time I get a full time career now. 
  • Do my own taxes. This year, my dad's girlfriend Zoe did my taxes for me (even though HMRC has definitely told us I owe the wrong amount!). Next time around, I'd like to do it by myself. Or, you know, just with a little bit of help from her. Ah, the freelance life. 
  • Do my own washing. 
  • Learn to use a washing machine so that I can do my own washing. (Yes okay I'm 21 and can't use a washing machine, get over it)
  • Learn how to put a light bulb in.
  • EXERCISE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. Honestly I am the most unfit person in the world and I can't go on like this, I am going to have to start doing something that gets my blood pumping and the calories burning!

Is there anything on this list you can give me tips for? Is there anything on this list you really struggled with? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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