My Five Fave Things About...

...being a girl. 

Surprised? I know at least one of you will be. (In jokes on blog posts are really annoying I know, so I fully apologise for this guys). 

Honestly though, being a girl can be pretty shit a lot of the time- dealing with fuck boys, having periods, people voting for Donald Trump to be President so he can tell men everywhere that it's okay to grab you by the pussy... you get my drift. However, it's not all bad being a girl. In fact, sometimes it's the best thing ever because...

You can be a princess allllllll the time
My best friend text me on my birthday saying "What have you been doing today?" and I genuinely wasn't lying when I told her I'd been lying in bed all day wearing a tiara. The same friend also bought me a tiara for my birthday, taking my collection up to three now. You don't see boys getting to wear tiara's and calling their bratty behaviour 'princess' behaviour, do you? 

We have better underwear choices
Is there even a male equivalent to Victorias Secret? If there is I am 100000000% sure it's nowhere near as nice. I bought velvet underwear the other day. Velvet!! Please continue to sit there in your basic Calvin Kleins whilst us girls get our pick of Swarovski encrusted bras (we can't afford them but we can still try them on so it's still a win okay).

Okay so I'm not saying boys can't wear makeup- I know boys who's contour game is stronger than any other aspect of my life which is hella unfair, but speaking very generally, girls get to have fun with makeup and boys don't. I could make myself a whole new person tomorrow if I wanted and boys would be none the wiser because she'll be gone with the wipe of a cotton pad and some cleanser the following day. 

You can cry without people making fun of you
It's totally unfair, because boys should be able to cry, of course they should! But if they cry at a movie they'll almost always be called names or laughed at. Girls can bawl their eyes out at an advert and text their friend only to find out she is also crying. (This has genuinely happened to me in the last week. Maybe more than once) You can also cry when clothes don't fit, pizza doesn't taste how you want it to, boys are mean to you and at puppies. 

You can talk allllllll the time
I hate awkward silences, I hate having to hold things in and I hate sponsored silences. All I want in life is to just talk about everything and anything with anyone. Particularly things like sloths on Planet Earth, but you know, I'm yet to find someone who will indulge in that conversation with me. That example aside, I know right now I could call a girlfriend and talk for hours about absolutely nothing and still enjoy it. 

What are your fave things about being a girl? 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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