Stuck at 18

Being a responsible adult is really not my forte. Having recently turned 21, you'd think I'd be able to fend for myself pretty well. However, when I poured a pan of boiling water over my hands whilst trying to drain my noodles the other night, I realised I'm about as far from a responsible adult as you could ever be...and it's probably always going to be that way!

I don't eat properly
I can go hours without eating. I'll go the whole day and not touch a single piece of food and then it gets to 11:38pm and I find myself eating a Doritos share bag and some crab sticks. Don't ask me why these are my go to snacks, I honestly don't know. Regardless, how can I ever expect to look after another human being when I can't even feed myself properly?

What's a cup of tea?
Or any hot drink for that matter. I don't know how to make a cup of tea or coffee and I think this is why no one ever wanted me for internships when I was younger.

I cook for ten or not at all
If I'm cooking, I always cook too much chips- the best example of this is when I make stir fry for me and my sister. I'm sure the ingredients are for two yet I seem to feed 5,000 people noodles and vegetables. This puts me off cooking ever again, so then I stick to sandwiches and take aways. Life.

Household appliances are a no go 
I once cooked myself a chicken kiev for 40 minutes, took it out the oven and it was still raw. Oh, and lets not forget the time I tumbledried every pair of socks I had for them to all come out of the tumbledryer still soaking wet. Oh, and what about the time I simply could not fold the ironing board away? I don't know what it is about me and household appliances but we just don't get along.

I love to party
And I mean so much so that I got drunk on a Monday night and went clubbing before heading into work on the Tuesday. (I'm still not over this. How and why did I do this?). I'll also go out every weekend absolutely no bother, spend money I don't have and eat calories I wish I wouldn't consume the following morning. I'm simply stuck in the frame of mind that I'm 18 and at college with 0 responsibility when actually I'm 21, in dire need of a full time job and have bills to pay. Cool.

I have a floordrobe. And a bedrobe.
My clothes basically live anywhere that isn't a wardrobe or my drawers. I regularly pick items up off of the floor and wonder if I threw them to the wash basket and missed or if I put them there because I couldn't be bothered to go to the wardrobe (black Joni jeans I'm looking at you right now). The only thing I religiously look after is my underwear- because good underwear is just a basic human right, you know? And obviously a priority over any other actual clothes.

I can't use public transport
Specifically, buses. Honestly, I never catch buses and in the last week I've had to get four and I honestly can't deal with them. If I have never been somewhere before how am I supposed to know when to get off? Why are you sitting next to me when there's hundreds of empty seats? Why is the bus the most unstable form of transport ever and yet there is no seatbelts? For real, I will just use taxis and trains, buses are not worth the stress.

I can't get rid of spiders
My dad's house is prone to spiders and whenever I stay the night at his I have to get him to do a spider check in my bedroom to make sure there isn't any lurking. How would I ever survive on my own?

I'm destined to be a sulky teenager forever, I can just tell!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I don't think being a responsible adult is anyone's forte to be honest!


  2. Regarding some of your points, I'll say this...
    - Tumble dryer - tumble dryers don't dry clothes completely (I know, it's weird). It depends on how long you have set the dryer for (i.e. 3/45/60/90 minutes.)
    - Big portion sizes - I have a bit of a habit of cooking big portion sizes too. The best thing is to preserve whatever is leftover. I'm trying to cook what I need there and then but sometimes I can't help but cook a bit too much.
    - Snacking - I used to have a bad habit of snacking on the 'bad' stuff at university - I have a sweet tooth - until I switched to snacking on fresh fruit.
    - Public transport - London is a lot better for 'where to get off' because the buses have a machine that announces the name of the next stop/road/building/attraction/area/station.
    - Draining noodles/spaghetti/pasta - use a colander.




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