I can't make tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I posted what I thought was a fairly humorous blog post (God, how wrong was I!) about how incapable I am as an adult. Now can we please bear in mind that the entire blog post was literally just me slating myself for not being able to do some of the most basic things an adult should be able to, such as making a cup of tea, so it's not like I was trying to act like I'm so fucking cool for being a dumbass. I was literally insulting myself.

So you can only imagine my absolute disbelief when I woke up to over ten anonymous messages all about my post- and none of them good. One comment told me I wasn't cool for being dumb (did I ever say I was?!) and the remaining nine all were furious that I couldn't make a cup of tea. Literally.

So let me just confess...

I DON'T DRINK TEA and neither does my mum or dad, so growing up- and even now- I have absolutely no reason to make a cup of tea. So if no one's drinking tea, I'm not going to need to make tea, am I? And yes, gosh, you're so right, of course I can Google how to make tea- but again, I have no need in my life to make tea so why would I bother to learn? I drink milkshakes and I can make milkshakes, that's all that matters to me alright! If you come round, I'll offer your a milkshake. It's just one of my many charming quirks (and I'll have you know that I actually do make milkshakes for people instead of hot drinks...you can ask Alec and BJ).

And now that I've so unnecessarily explained myself and my lack of tea making skills, can I just take a second to ask a question of my own?

Why the fuck does it bother you so much that a girl you're not even friends with and barely even know, can't make a cup of tea? It honestly stressed you out so much you had to send abusive, anonymous messages? Woooooow. I honestly feel so sad that your lives are that dull you are upset over what I can and can't do. I'd offer you a cup of tea to soothe you but, you know, I can't make one.

Honestly, my life- and my 'funny' blog posts- should not upset people this much haha. If you don't like what I write, it's simple- don't read my blog! If you don't like how I'm living my life, good for you! Stop following what I do, block me from your social media and don't let it stress you! There are far bigger issues in the world to be worrying about pals, my lack of tea making skills and general adult-ness shouldn't be one of them.

Thanks for your concern, but I'm doing fine xo

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. LOOOOL!

    I saw that post, and even though I was surprised - I don't think I've ever met anyone who can't make a cup of tea - I thought "Why do they care so much?" It's not going to affect them. Why are some people stupid enough to waste time worrying about things that don't concern/affect them??? Personally I love hot beverages. I love tea, herbal tea and hot chocolate (Baileys hot chocolate anyone?) I don't make coffee, I know how to but I just don't bother because I don't like the taste of it at all, so I hardly make it and I don't buy it.

    To be honest, you can't win either way. I'm 24 years old and I've always been independent and self-sufficient - I was from a very young age. I have 'adult' responsibilities - as well as household chores, I pay rent and bills, I know how to deal with certain things like setting up accounts with energy companies and banks, I have registered as self-employed in the past and filed tax returns, I cook my meals most nights from scratch and I pay taxes. Also, I do a lot of things for myself without any help and assistance - such as booking dentist/doctor/eye test appointments, running errands such as popping over to the post office and speaking on the phone to customer services - and I've been able to do these things from a young age too.

    Yet, some people - especially people who should know me better and some of my family members - are convinced that I cannot do basic things, and I find myself constantly being patronised and treated as though I am a child, as though I am incapable of looking after myself. :( Also, I've experienced the other side of the coin too - a lot of people don't like the fact that I'm independent and able to do things for myself. I had to ditch some of my 'friends' and 'flatmates' at university and cut them off completely because they couldn't stand the fact that I was capable. They would treat me like a child, harass me and patronise me, instead of respecting me for who I was.

    If anything, I'd say don't worry about it. People will always find a reason to complain because they are bitter and twisted and have nothing better to do with their lives. I genuinely don't think there is such a thing as 'adulting' - we all have things we are capable and incapable of. It doesn't mean we are not adults at all. Another thing to bear in mind is that there are kids out there who do 'adult' things - I had to from a young age.

    Like I said before, you can't win. If you are not adult enough, it's a problem. If you are too much of an adult, it's also a problem.


    1. Your comments always make my day Chichi! You're so right too, people are just insistent on being negative about what you can and can't do, no matter what it is! You can never win!


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