Work friends

Today was the third of my fourth birthday celebrations- a civilised drink at my towns newest cocktail bar with my work girls, Chloe, Smithy, Lauren and Hannah. It was happy hour from 4-7 so we got plenty of cocktails in!

The evening was so lovely. I have had three retail jobs and working at Topshop has honestly been my favourite one. I have made such incredible friends here and we all get along so well and have a laugh together. Smithy and Chloe were actually the first people to know about my break up at the start of this year, and I definitely wouldn't have got through it as well as I did without them. Chloe provided me with the sympathy I needed while Smithy gave me the blunt truth I needed to hear. They are such good people to have in my life.

Hannah was the newbie like me. We started at Topshop together, have a pretty similar attitude towards work (not always a positive one!) and her sassiness has me in hysterics every time we work together. We're pretty similar and get on really well- I know that any shift is bearable if Hannah is working with me!

Lauren is like my soul mate- I almost feel like we are the same person sometimes, and we get along so well! I honestly feel like I've known her forever. I love her fashion sense, her sassiness, her sense of humour and the outrageous stories she always ends up telling me!

I completely adore these girls. In fact, one of the reasons I've stayed at Topshop for as long as I have is because of these girls. They make every shift bearable, we're always there for each other, we have a whine together, a laugh together and just get along so well. When the day comes for me to leave Topshop, I know it won't be the job that I miss, but the girls I have the pleasure of working with almost every day.

I'm so happy I got to celebrate my birthday with this lot! We had such a lovely evening...just one celebration left to go!

Do you get on with the people you work with? Do you have any work place friendships? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Aww that's lovely! I've worked in retail before and I met so many snakey, jealous, bitter and horrible people there who didn't care about me at all. Working in retail is hard enough as it is so it's good to have colleagues you can get along with. :)


    1. Oh trust me I have several of colleagues with those traits, but this little handful of colleagues are utterly delightful! I think its so much easier to enjoy work when you have colleagues who are your friends!


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