When you're at a concert

Despite feeling like death warmed up, I took my sister to see Panic! at the Disco last night (and by the end of the night after a four hour journey home, three of which were made in torrential rain, I really wish I hadn't). I haven't been to a proper concert since I saw Beyonce back in July and while I was there I felt old. I'm pretty sure that 90% of the crowd was younger than me and in my mind I was criticising almost everything they were doing...which of course, inspired me to write alllllll about the different people you get at gigs. Such as...

The Snapchatter
Jesus Christ. I'm all for taking a video of your favourite song and snapping some photos for your Insta, but must you record the entire concert on your phone? Realistically, what are you ever going to do with it? Nothing! Put your phone away, enjoy the concert and stop forcing the people behind you to watch the whole thing through your phone screen. 

The guy with the backpack
Or girl, of course, but from my experience its usually a guy. If you have a standing ticket to any concert, please for the love of God don't wear a backpack. Especially one that sticks out about a meter behind you and takes up three different spaces, knocking everyone in close proximity out when you start jumping around like crazy. 

The couple
You know what I mean? The couple who stand there hugging each other all night long, and sometimes even start making out if "their song" comes on. Hi, excuse me, you paid upwards of £40 to actually see this person performing. Save it for later.

The die hard fan
They scream when every single song comes on. They don't just scream when their favourite song gets played, because as a die hard fan, every song is their favourite song. Just give them 0.5 seconds to register those opening chords...

The "I'm too cool for this" guy
The guy who has come with his girlfriend, or has come with a bigger group of lads and refuses to even bob his head in time to the music. He stands there, beer in his plastic cup, leather jacket on trying to look totally chic in the middle of the mosh pit. Loosen up, pal!

The "I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about me right now" guy
Last night I was witness to a man who was at least 20 and around 6 foot tall telling two girls who were at about 12 and around 5 foot tall that no, he wouldn't let them stand in front of him so they could see the stage because it wasn't his fault they were lazy ass motherfuckers who hadn't queued early enough and therefore been able to get in front of him. He then tried to start a mosh pit with them. Some people really don't care about a single thing.

The criers
Okay yes, sometimes I do fall into this category (only once, actually, for Beyonce of course), but God damn there are some weepers at concerts. They're crying because they love the band, because they aren't close enough to the stage, because they love this song, because they want a drink, because they can't see...the list goes on. 

The fan girl
They've come laden with home made t-shirts, a huge banner that they will hold up for the entire concert with no regards to the people behind them, they have written their favourite band member's name on their face and they know every word to every song but are too emotional to sing them all! 

Do you spot all these guys when you go to concerts? Have I missed some people out? 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. I'm going to be honest, I am in between a fangirl and a die hard fan! I try not to get in the way of other people or hold a huge sign up though because that's not fair xx

    1. Haha nothing wrong with being any of these people! I would say that I'm often a fangirl too!


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