My birthday!

Yesterday I turned 21, yay! I had an absolutely incredible day that I posted about all over social media (haters gonna hate, read my view on you guys here: A LINK FOR HATERS ONLY) but in case you somehow missed all of my updates, I thought I'd share my day with you right here on the blog!

Turning 21 here isn't as big of a deal as it is in America, but it is still get to basically celebrate 18, 21 and then 40. Because I'm now not going to have a 'special' birthday for 19 years, I really wanted to go all out on my 21st so I've had/I'm having four celebrations. I already blogged about the pre birthday celebrations at TGI Friday's with my Mum (catch that right here) and I'm having drinks with my work girls tomorrow and then a 'party' on Saturday (but I'll blog about those at a later date!)

So. Let's talk about yesterday. Well, to be quite honest I was treated like a princess and absolutely spoiled rotten. I started my day home alone while everyone was at work or school. I wasn't allowed any gifts until everyone was home, but my Mum had left me a "small something" to keep me going until the afternoon, which turned out to be a gorgeous, rose gold Guess ring! I love Guess jewellery so much, so I was very pleased with this!

I got out of bed to find the house decorated with pink and silver 21 banners and bunting and ballons, as well as a big pink 2 and silver 1 balloon (kudos to my sister, who must have passed on the message that I wanted a pink and silver theme!) When my mum came home at lunch, she gave me another small present- a Rainbow Dash My Little Pony toy (I don't care if I'm 21 I still love My Little Pony okay). And then it was a waiting game until about 4pm when everyone came home and was ready to give me their gifts!

My youngest sister, Vieve, got me a Thomas Sabo '21' charm which I was so happy about as I've been meaning to restart my Thomas Sabo charm collection all year! She also got me some absolutely incredible Haribo- pink unicorns in a 'fairytale' bag that are strawberry and candyfloss flavoured! Absolutely perfect for me, right?!

My other sister, Clo, got me a giant bag of pink and white marshmallows and an incredibly fancy bottle of Moet and Chandon pink champagne in a fancy box! I didn't even know you could get pink champagne, which shows how much I know hey...

My wonderful mum totally spoilt me! As well as the ring and the MLP toy from the morning, she bought me a 'tacky' 21 gift, a sparkly wine glass with 21 emblazoned on it! Then there was the most amazing present- a unique, one off Beyonce doll! I gasped when I opened it because it is genuinely so amazing, she is so gorgeous and I absolutely love her! She even has a "21" necklace on!

My big presents from her were a gorgeous baby pink and rose gold Ted Baker purse and a completely divine black leather Ted Baker handbag with a sweet gold bow on the front! I really, really wanted a Ted Baker bag and purse so I was absolutely elated with this gift! I felt so lucky too, and so, so spoilt.

I spent the evening with my sisters, my Dad and his girlfriend Zoe. When I got to their house, there were lots of balloons and bunting up, and a special 21 balloon, as well as a neat little pile of presents, yay!

I hadn't really asked for much this year, so had absolutely no idea what to expect. I was lucky enough to receive a big box of chocolates, a bottle of rose (everyone seems to know that I love pink alcohol...!) and a big pink lip balm shaped bag which contained four Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker lip glosses! It's totally bizarre as the day before I had nearly bought one of the lip glosses and then decided not to...clearly that was fate intervening. I also received a large bottle of one of my utmost favourite perfumes, Lady Million by Paco Rabanne.

My special present was truly incredible; a Michael Kors smart watch! I had mentioned that I liked these watches but had absolutely no idea that I would be getting one. I was absolutely amazed, and the watch itself is amazing too- it's basically a phone on your wrist. I can even control it with my voice!

We went out for dinner at The Grove, which was the last part of my present. The Grove is a five star hotel that is often frequented by celebrities- Barack Obama was there in April! So you can only imagine what it looked like, although I couldn't get any good photo's as it was dark. We ate in The Glass House, which was a huge, fancy buffet. The food was absolutely delicious and I was treated like royalty- we all were! When we arrived, our coats were taken, and our seats pulled out for us to sit on. When we left, a gentleman actually put my coat on for me and then we were driven back to our car in a golf cart as our own car was parked quite far away!

I ended my day curled up in bed, replying to lovely messages, surrounded by beautiful gifts and feeling overly content with my life! I was so spoilt and so lucky the entire day and I feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends.

How did you celebrate your 21st birthday? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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