Coming off of the pill PART 2

Not too long ago I wrote about the first couple of weeks without taking my contraceptive pill (catch up here) and the kinds of effects it was having on my body. I had a lot of people message me about it afterwards, a lot of people ask me questions and a lot of people wanting to be kept up to date with how it was going. Well guys, I have had my first pill-less period and I can tell you... was effectively exactly the same. In fact, it was better than my periods way back when, before I started taking the pill. It wasn't particularly heavy and I didn't experience much stomach pain, bar from Saturday night when for some reason my tummy was literally in agony. I finished my period the next day so maybe there was some correlation there? I don't know.

*Dad please stop reading this post here*

What I can tell you is that my boobs absolutely killed for about three days before my period arrived. In all seriousness, I was genuinely contemplating going to see a doctor because it was pain unlike anything else and they were incredibly sensitive too! However, I remembered people saying that for the first three months your body acts like it's pregnant and I also knew my time of the month was close so I held out...and I'm so glad I did because I would have looked very stupid to a medical professional haha! Anyway, once my period came the boob pain disappeared and I haven't had an issue with it since.

I haven't been too emotional like I feel I normally am when I'm on my period. I feel like I've been pretty much up every day, rather than constantly switching between up and down over the smallest of things.

Bloating hasn't been an issue either praise the Lord. Usually, my period bloats me out so much and I look double my size- or I feel that I do, anyway. It was always so uncomfortable and meant that I lived in slouchy jumpers and jeans that disguised this. However, this period wasn't bloated at all, I feel like my tummy remained almost exactly the same and I was even comfortable enough to go out in tight fitted clothing, such as a bodycon dress and a bodysuit! I'm not sure if this is linked to not taking the pill in anyway but it's definitely something new for me.

I'm still feeling a bit funny about food. I'm nowhere near as hungry as I was before, but when I am hungry it's still at 10pm and only hungry for little snacky things, or weird things like seafood sticks. The only meal I am consistently eating right now is dinner, and even then if that wasn't a family affair I'd probably be more than happy to miss it. I'm just kind of off food, for the most part!

*Dad if you didn't stop reading, please definitely stop reading now. And Mum. For real. *

My sex drive has, so far, remained pretty much unaffected. I've not felt a huge drop in my libido as I was told to expect, which I guess is a good thing? I didn't have a mad surge of hormonal madness whilst on my period either, it was just the same as it always is! So honestly not much to report there.

Now it's a Monday and I ordinarily I'd be starting a new packet of pills, but instead I'm starting my second pill-less cycle. I was told that the first three periods are the hardest, but thankfully this first one was relatively easy to deal with...I just hope they don't get worse as time goes on!

Please remember all of these experiences are very personal to me, and if you're considering coming off the pill, there is no guarantee that it will be the same experience for you! If you do have any questions then feel free to ask them, but I'm definitely not a professional of any kind and you should always speak to your doctor/a health professional if you're unsure about something!

If you've already come off of the pill, let me know if this was the case for you and if the next period to come is going to be a bad one...I feel like I really should be warned about that kind of thing!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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