The Best Christmas Films EVER

This week, the Christmas lights were turned on in my town and last night, I saw the Coca-Cola advert for the first time. It's official; Christmas is here! My dad has already started asking if we can watch this Christmas film or that Christmas film, but I like to save the best Christmas films until closer to the time. Here are some of the Christmas films I feel are the absolute BEST.

Polar Express
Without a doubt Polar Express is one of the most Christmassy films of all time. It has all the festive feels, the magic of Santa and believing in him and the animation is just beautiful. It has me crying by the end of the film and wishing I could believe in Santa all over again! (Also, Tom Hanks has five parts so, win win here)

Come on, who doesn't love Elf? It's absolutely hilarious and its also such a feel good film, all about the spirit of Christmas and spending more time with the people who matter most. I still find it difficult to process that some people haven't seen Elf- watch it this year! 

Home Alone 1&2
If you're watching Home Alone, you should totally forget that any of the ones made after film 2 were made- they're crap and totally not worth watching. However, Home Alone 1 and 2 are brilliant- while Home Alone is slightly more festive, Home Alone 2 is more hilarious! Both are absolute must see's at Christmas!

Christmas with the Kranks 
Not many people ever seem to know about this film but it is genuinely one of my favourites! It's got a great cast, a brilliant story line and has me in hysterics the whole way through!

A Christmas Carol
Now to me, every Christmas Carol is great but the best ones are Muppet's Christmas Carol or the one with Patrick Stewart in it! However, it's always the same story, so I'm lumping all of the Christmas Carols together- you have to watch at least one of them on Christmas Eve, don't you! 

The Grinch
I adore The Grinch purely because I find myself so similar to him- other than the fact I love Christmas and he does not. But in general, his sarcasm, sense of humour and general attitude seems so similar to my own! It's a lovely film with a *spoiler alert* happy ending and it's definitely one of my favourites!

The Santa Clause
The second and third one are okay and average, but the original Santa Clause is absolutely amazing! I honestly think its one of the most Christmassy, lovely, heart warming Christmas films ever, and Tim Allen is just great! 

What are your favourite Christmas films? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. Home Alone 2: Lost In New York is my favourite film. :)


  2. So many amazing choices!!! Polar express will always be my favourite x

    Abi | abistreetx


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