Just a quick one...

Today's post is just another quick, chatty one because I am so busy and already running so behind with my day! 

Today is the final birthday celebration for me, the 'party' that I have planned for three months now and I am so excited and nervous too! Me and seven of my friends are getting a limo up to London where we have a booth booked at a cocktail bar to finish off celebrating me turning 21! 

I have my dress ready, my shoes, my hair and my make up. I have bought the drinks and the nibbles. I have made the playlist. I have paid for the booth and the limo that is taking us there. Everything seems to be set...


I can't help but feel like something is going to go horribly wrong. I'm not sure if it's just because I've spent so long organising it or because I've just never hosted and planned my own party before but I just have this horrible nagging sensation in my tummy that something is going to screw up! I even had a nightmare about it the other night! 

Hopefully the night will go well and I'll just be able to enjoy myself and have a brilliant time with some of my favourite people. I'd better start getting ready before my friends begin to turn up...

Expect lots of selfies and such on Instagram and Snapchat from me! You can find me on Insta as flomatthews_ and on Snapchat as florencegrace13

Enjoy your bonfire night, whatever you're doing, and stay safe!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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