21 Things By 21

On my birthday, I wrote a blog post stating that I didn't want to write a post like everyone else, the 21 life lessons I'd learned by the time that I was 21. But now, while I'm sat here struggling for blog post inspo, I figure that it's a pretty good post, so why the hell not? Obviously now that I'm a fully fledged adult, I'm full of wisdom that I have to share, right? Right...

1) Be selfish
Honestly, I have spent so much of my life putting other people and their happiness before my own and always being screwed over in return that I've learnt that it's totally okay to be selfish. Don't be cruel about it, don't be horrible to people but do put yourself first and be 'selfish'. 

2) Boys suck
They really, really do. I can't even tell you much more than that but what I will say is when you find a good one, hang on to him! 

3) Girls also suck
They'll backstab and they'll bitch and they'll make you mad, they'll make your life difficult and you'll cry over your gal pals more than any guy. Similarly to boys, when you find you have a good, strong woman in your life, hang on to her! 

4) Save your money
I wish I'd saved money from every pay check I'd ever earned because I'd be so well off right now and might even be able to move out. Instead, I scrape by every month and I'm still stuck living at home. Start saving money as soon as you can- you'll thank me later. 

5) Drinking won't make the pain go away
It will, temporarily, but you will always feel worse the next day, because you'll be sad and you'll have a hangover, and no one wants to deal with that combination right?

6) Love yourself
Life is too short to hate your body, your hair, your nose and so on. Don't criticise yourself, don't be too hard on yourself. Self love is one of the best kind's of love and it's incredibly important too! Love yourself first, before you love anyone else.

7) Quality not quantity
I'm talking friends, of course. I used to have loads of friends when I was younger and at school. Now I can count my true friends on my two hands. But I'm so much happier! I might have less friends but they're better friends, better than any friends I've ever had before. It's always quality not quantity when it comes to friendships, trust me.

8) Travel!
I haven't travelled much yet but it's something I plan on doing more of and something I wish I'd spent more time doing before now! I feel like its so important to experience as much of the world as you can before 'settling down' (if that's what you end up doing that is). Even if you go travelling on your own, it doesn't matter, just go and visit as many places as you can!

9) If it doesn't make you happy, stop doing it
Chances are that at 21, you probably don't have many responsibilities and you're lucky enough to be in a position where you can drop everything and switch your life up if you're not happy- and this is definitely something that I would encourage! Relationships, work, friendships, hobbies; if something isn't making you happy, stop doing it!

10) Have down days
People say that it's not okay to have bad days where you don't move from bed, you binge watch Netflix, you find a stray crisp in your hair and you don't meet any of your deadlines. But it is. It's okay and I even think it's healthy. You can't be on the ball and upbeat and happy all day, every day. Some days you're going to feel happy and some days you'll feel like shit. Its called balance and you should embrace it.

11) Work hard, play harder
Everyone who knows me knows what a workaholic I am but I still know how to have a good time. It's definitely important to make sure you relax as much as you work, otherwise it will all catch up with you in the end and you'll be a boring, stressed mess! Whether it's going clubbing, going to restaurants, going to the cinema or just watching films with friends, make sure you unwind after a long day of work!

12) Forgive and forget
Life is too short to hold grudges. You don't have to let people who do you wrong back into your life, but you won't be at peace within yourself if you don't forgive them for doing you wrong, forget about it and/or them and then move on from it. 

13) Don't always forget how they did you wrong
While it's all well and good forgiving and forgetting, sometimes you need to remind yourself why you cut someone out of your life. If they come back to you after really screwing you over (e.g. a cheating ex) don't take them back. You might have forgiven and forgotten but don't forget enough that you let them screw you over all over again. 

14) Stand up for what you believe in
People make fun of me for being a feminist. People make fun of me for wanting to stay in the EU. People make fun of me for choosing Hillary Clinton over Trump. People make fun of me for supporting Black Lives Matter. I don't care. It's what I believe in and I will stand by my beliefs- don't let people sway you (unless you support Trump, then do let people sway you lols). 

15) Buy it!!!
And by 'it', I mean whatever it is you want. On a whim I've purchased Michael Kors bags, just because I know that when I'm older with a mortgage and kids and bills to pay, I won't be able to buy whatever I want, whenever I want. So do it now! Book the holiday, buy the bag, book the concert tickets. Do it!

(However, remember I told you to save. Don't splash all of your savings on spontaneous goodies!)

16) Fall in love over and over and over
If someone breaks your heart, fuck 'em. Don't let them stop you from falling in love again- and maybe again and again and again.

17) Eat what you like
Honestly, women's mags are the worst and they are so quick to tell you what you should and shouldn't be eating to get yourself the 'perfect' body. IGNORE THEM. As long as you're healthy, eat what you like. Life is too short to miss out on good pizza, you know?

18) Ladies can enjoy sex
It's 2016 and still slut shaming is a thing! I honestly don't get it! WOMEN ENJOY SEX AND IT'S OKAY FOR THEM TO ENJOY SEX...OKAY? Honestly, don't be ashamed about your sex life. It's no ones business except yours and you shouldn't be judged for it. Send nudes, sleep around, sleep with one person, have fetishes, sleep with someone older, sleep with someone younger, it's your life! Do what you want!

19) Have fun
Life is short. It can be taken away from you in a second, so make sure that no matter what you do, you always have as much fun as possible!

20) Appreciate your family
You family are so important- whether they're blood or not, whoever you define as 'family. So make sure you appreciate them and let them know that you appreciate them too.

Honestly, I hate the saying 'yolo' but over the last year I have found it to be so true. You do only live once and life really is short. It's so important to make the most of every single moment in your life, have fun and make amazing memories. My final life lesson to you at 21 is yolo. For real.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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