Yesterday, I was in a pretty foul mood. I was really, really hacked off, didn't have any motivation to do anything and literally just wanted to stay in bed. However, after a bit of a pep talk from Poppy, I woke up this morning feeling a whole lot better about life.

It's so important to surround yourself with friends who will always do their best to lift you up, not bring you down. Friends who will keep you grounded when you're being so over the top, friends who will prevent you from freaking out unnecessarily and friends who will support your happiness no matter what. I can happily say that all of my friends are like this, and all of them make my life a little bit better!

Today is my sisters 14th birthday, so we've had a nice evening celebrating together, and now me and my middle sister are off to the pub to have a few drinks to bring in the weekend...I feel like after the week I've had, I definitely need a few drinks inside of me!!

Sorry today's post has been another crappy one (I am really running out of inspo for blogging every single day!!!). Let me know in the comments below how your Friday has been and what your plans are for the weekend!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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