
Showing posts from October, 2016


Today is a big day. A life changing  day. A momentous occasion.  Today, I didn't open a packet of contraceptive pills to protect me for the next twenty one days of my cycle. Today, I will not be taking a pill that contributes towards a fake period, mood swings, headaches and - worst of all, for me- weight gain.  Yep, it's been five, almost six, long years but it's over. On Sunday the 23rd of October I took my last pill and for the first Monday in forever I will not be starting a new packet. It's been a hard decision to make, because the pill is, convenient. I can skip periods if I have an event or holiday coming up, it eases tummy cramps and so on.  But it's time for a break. I had no idea that periods on the pill weren't 'real' so to speak, until about a year ago (I know, stupid me right?). Also, it's not recommended to be on the pill for more than five years, so my time is up. And also, over the last year I have heard not...

Pre-birthday celebrations!

Okay, so my birthday isn't until Tuesday but I'm going to be celebrating my birthday for the next week, and it all kicked off today with a pre-birthday meal to TGI Friday's with my mum and my sisters. None of us had been before or knew what to expect so we were all really looking forward to going. I knew it wasn't a particularly fancy place to go but I decided I wanted to dress nicely anyway, so I even bought some new culottes or the occasion (I totally don't have these trousers in three different colours now...) When we got to TGI's we realised it was more of an American diner style restaurant than we had thought! Outside the sign was lit up with spotlights and there was an almost life sized yellow taxi outside, like a New York cab!  When we got inside we were seated right away by an incredibly friendly waitress, and our waitress for the night (who was different from the one that greeted us) was equally as friendly! She was pol...


Today's post is going to be very, very brief!  This year, Halloween falls on a Monday, and if that doesn't sum up 2016 I don't know what does! Instead of celebrating on the day, a lot of people are celebrating this weekend, 'Halloweekend'. I am no exception here! I hosted a Halloween dinner party for my sisters and my mum. I decorated the dining room with a tonne of sparkly, spooky decorations and whipped up a banquet fit for the Gods for them!  Thankfully, they loved it, and there will be photos to follow in a more detailed post tomorrow. However, now that we've finished eating, the festivities are continuing! We're all going to sit down with some Halloween sweets and watch Scream while we carve pumpkins! How cute, right? We get an extra hour of the day today as the clocks go back tonight- not only does that mean we get an extra hour sleep but it means the mornings will be darker, the evenings will be darker and that Christmas is literall...

Makeup Revolution I AM FREEDOM Final!

Last night (Thursday 27th October) I had the pleasure and good luck of attending Makeup Revolution's I AM FREEDOM finale party/Halloween party! I had attended the Makeup Revolution second birthday party back in March and so when I was emailed about this party, I knew I had  to attend, because boy, oh boy, do Makeup Revolution know how to throw a party! The theme was cocktail party with your own Halloween twist, so everyone's outfits were quite varied! While my bestie Bobbie was sporting a pair of angel wings, and my blogging pal Julia a unicorn horn, I chose to stick simply with Halloween colours- red and black. I wore a red sequinned cocktail dress and went for scarlett lips, blood red nails and a dark smoky eye look. To be honest, I was really feelin' myself, and I did receive a lot of compliments which was nice, so I'm definitely going to be trying this look out again!  Excuse my yellow eyes!  The party was held at DSTRKT in London, somewhere I'...

Snapchat Stories I Hate To See

Snapchat's popularity seems to have grown massively over the course of 2016- was this the year all the cool filters came out? I don't know. I had Snapchat when it first came out, then grew bored of it and deleted it. I redownloaded it this year, at the request of a guy who as it turns out, wanted to send me nudes. LOL. But that's another story.  Having had Snapchat for the last ten months, there have been some similar snaps I've seen a lot that I absolutely despise. Let's see if you agree with me on this one...  The Smoking Snap Wow. Look at you. Blowing smoke in a totally ordinary way into the front facing camera of your phone. You look so cool right now, I can't even handle it. It's on another level, dude. Oh wait, you smoke? I didn't even realise!  The Driving Snap If you could keep both hands on the wheel and not  risk other people's lives as you drive down a winding country road listening to some dubstep on an overly...

Don't Be Jealous, Be Inspired

"Don't be jealous, be inspired" This is one of my favourite quotes ever . It rings particularly true with me, and I think that's why I like it so much.  I have found myself the subject of jealous individuals since pursuing my media based career, and I have also been filled with jealousy as well. In both cases, neither have had a positive ending. When people are jealous of me ( that sounds so conceited to say but it has happened ) it's always kind of bittersweet. I'm flattered because obviously it means I'm doing well in life if people want what I have/want to do what I do. But it's not such a great feeling because jealousy is such a negative emotion, and I hate to have people feel negatively toward me!  Furthermore, it's weird if a 'friend' says they're jealous of me. Why would you be jealous of your friends? Surely they should be inspiring you, enlightening you. You should be proud of them, happy for them- not je...

Eat What You Like!

In keeping with yesterday's body positive post, I thought I'd write about food today. More specifically, about eating exactly what you like, when you want to. (Also it's #worldpastaday so a good time to write about food, right?) Too often, people go on diets that starve them of food. Usually, it's carbs and sugar and fat. People think the only way to be healthy is to live solely off of vegetables and fruit, but they're wrong. There are different food groups for a reason; your body needs a healthy  balance of them all in order to function properly. On top of your fruit and veg you need protein, you need carbs, you need fats and sugars. The key to eating anything you want and maintaining a healthy body is to eat your favourite foods in moderation . Me, I could eat a share bag of dorito's to myself every day, easy peasy. Crisps are my weakness! But I know that I shouldn't- and therefore, I don't. Okay, okay, one in a blue moon I might treat ...

Size is just a number!

Weight is something I struggle with a lot . If you are a regular reader of my blog, or even just my social media, you'll know my relationship with food and my weight is a constant battle and I have good days and bad days and some really  bad days.  Recently, I've been losing weight. As always, it's been fluctuating a lot but I've been losing, and any loss is a loss which is obviously way better than a gain in my case. However, while I haven't noticed much weight change myself, other people have been commenting over the last few weeks over my weight loss and change in body shape, which has obviously made me feel far happier with myself and a lot more confident.  Which is why today, I wanted to talk to you guys about clothes. More specifically, the sizes of clothes.  I can confidently say I am a size 12. On good days, I am a size 10. On bad days (aka when I'm in H & M) I can sometimes be a 14. *Note I say bad day: bad for me as that's bi...

Keep hold of the past

I feel like I've blogged about a very similar topic to this before, but today I wanted to talk about the importance of looking back. The past isn't always a happy place, there is absolutely no denying back. It can be filled with regret, mistakes, misery, unhappiness. Alternatively, it can be filled with happiness and joy and love. Either way though, its unhealthy to live in the past and a lot of people don't like to look back on most of it. However, for some things, it can be important to look back on your life and make comparisons to where you are now.  Today, I was emptying a drawer of mine and I found the first, second and third issues of my magazine, Love from... . I looked at the first issue and I burst out laughing! Compared to the second issue it looked like a primary school project, and compared to the issue out now...well. There is no comparison. But for a moment, I really sat and reflected on the last two years of my life, particularly on my career....

The Sex Museum

My recent trip to Amsterdam was actually my fourth visit there, and yet until this latest trip I had never been to the infamous Sex Museum. However, it was my sisters first time to the city and we wanted to do as many tourist-y things as possible, and visiting this museum was one of them.  Now I'm not going to lie, I thought the museum would just be one big joke. I knew from friends visits that there were giant penis' inside that made for hilarious photos, and other outrageous models and such that were hilarious to take photo's of. So I thought this would be the same throughout the entire museum; a bit of a laugh, a bit of a joke. How wrong was I! Admittedly, the first floor of the museum was quite funny, filled with humorous moving models that flashed you, 'peed' in your face, were performing sexual acts on each other and so in. It made me and my sister giggle, that's for sure. However, as we progressed to the second ad third floor of the m...