I have a lot of bad habits- to be honest, who doesn't? I was talking to someone about them the other day and they said "oh my gosh you should do one of your funny gif blogs about it!". So here we are. Here is one of my "funny gif blogs" all about my bad habits, just for you...enjoy.

Biting my nails
Except, I don't bite my nails? I will only bite my nails if I have false nails on which is super weird, right? It's like my body actually rejects the idea of having long nails. My dad is forever saying "FLOSS! Stop biting your fake nail!" and I'm just like was I? Oh... my bad.

Not being able to say 'no'
Honestly, I can't say no to anyone. If my boss asks me to work when I know I'm busy I always say yes regardless. If someone asks me for a favour and I know I can't do it or don't want to do it, I'll still say yes anyway. If someone asks if I'm okay when I'm not, I still say 'yes'. WHY CAN'T I JUST SAY NO?

Putting clothes away inside out
I pull my clothes off and usually that leaves them inside out. Usually its last thing at night so I just chuck them in my drawers how they are (or on my bed...or the floor...) which is fine, until the next time I want to wear said clothes and have to faff around trying to work out why one leg of my jeans is all twisted and weird and end up breaking my nail as I try to sort it out. Oh yeah, thanks past Flo for being a lazy shit and not putting your clothes away properly.

Leaving a bag (or six) of rubbish on the back of my bedroom door
This one is down to me and my sister okay! We have so much crap in our room all the time- bottles, baby wipes, tags from our endless stream of new clothes that we can't afford- and we can just never be bothered to go downstairs. So we start our own rubbish bag, with the good intention of taking it downstairs later on...then suddenly its four months later and there's six carrier bags of rubbish on the door and you and your sister are sat crying with laughter at your embarrassing lives. (This genuinely happened about two days ago. We are disgusting. We know)

Having resting bitch face
People say they have resting bitch face because it's been one of the trends of 2016 or whatever, but I genuinely do. The other day I walked into work and Charlie said "Flo, you okay mate? Whats wrong?". I was like "nothing...?", because I was genuinely having a really good day! Turns out I just looked super pissed off...which is pretty much the standard for me. I just have a mean face! I can't help it alright! 

Tolerating Katie Hopkins
Can't help it, I love the woman, leave me alone.

Wearing odd socks
And also wearing socks that aren't my own. If you see me wearing socks you better believe there's a 99% chance they aren't mine. I think one of the things Vieve says to me the most is "Are you wearing my socks again?". Its not that I don't have any socks, I do. It's just they are all covered in pictures and my sisters have lots of plain white ones! 

Not getting enough sleep
I'm normally running on about 4 hours sleep because I've stayed up late working. If we're talking and you see me yawning, or trying not to yawn, I'm honestly not being rude and I'm not bored of your conversation- I'm just genuinely so tired and I need to sleep more! 

Chatting to fuckboys
If you're prone to replying to 3am booty calls disguised as caring text messages, letting boys play with your emotions and keep you dangling on a string and then getting your heart broken at the end of it can I get a hell yeaaaaah

'Cause that's me.

What bad habits do you have? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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