*Spoiler alert- if you're not in this post, you probably won't like this post or want to read it. Sorry*

Today's post is definitely going to be a bit of a soppy one, because it's reached the end of the year and I feel like, after the year I've had, I owe a lot of people a lot of thank you's. There's so many people who I absolutely wouldn't have made it through 2016 without and so I definitely need to show them some recognition! So in no particular order whatsoever...

The only guy I love to hate, you have been my absolute rock this year and I honestly do love you so much, even when I pretend like I don't! You always have nothing but nice things to say to me whenever I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps about life, you're always fully supportive of me and even when you tell me that every single guy I present to you isn't good enough for me, I know you're doing it with my best interests at heart and not to be annoying...I hope. You drove us all on holiday and drove us all the way back again, as well as driving us to countless other places too, making sure me, you, Alec and Carda have been able to do lots of fab stuff together, so that's another thing I'm grateful for. You're there for me at 12 in the afternoon and at 3 in the morning without fail and I love that. Thanks so much for being you, you're the best! 

Always the first to remind me why I'm better off now than I was last year, you've been an absolute saint to me this year. You've put up with every single one of my stupid decisions, my drunk texts in the group chat and my moping around and still continue to support me and cheer me up no matter what! You organised my surprise meal with James etc., you celebrated Valentine's Day with me so I wouldn't be alone and you have always had my back when I'm trying to take the piss out of Ben- love that! You get my sarcasm, my inappropriate jokes and my dirty sense of humour when BJ and Carda are sat there clueless and I really would be completely lost without you! I love you more than words can say and I'm so glad you've seen through 2016 with me.

One of the most beautiful, kind, loving people I know, I am truly the luckiest to have someone as delightful as you in my life! This year you haven't failed to crack me up time and time again with witty and sarcastic and dare I say it, mean, comments that I just wouldn't expect to hear coming out of your mouth at all! You're incredibly talented, you go above and beyond for absolutely everyone in your life and try so hard to make everyone happy- I just wish I got to see you more often! I love you loads and know that no matter how busy the pair of us are, you're always going to be there for me no matter what.

My lil dancing gal Pops, one of my biggest inspirations in life. Everyone talks about how important it is to give up everything in order to chase their dreams, but you're the only girl I know who has actually done it! I am always so proud of you and how determined you are to get to where you want to be, it never fails to make me take a long, hard look at my own life to see how I could be improving! I love having a gossip with you and without the girly catch ups we've had this year, plus your moral support for all my boy-related issues, I'm not sure I would have survived! I love you millions and I am so grateful for everything you've done this year.

This year you have changed my life in so many ways, Abby! First of all, you introduced me to eyelashes and then you introduced me to fake tans! Now I'm addicted to getting both so that I can look fabulous and feel beautiful all of the time, so thanks for that! You've had a big year yourself, becoming a mum, and I am always so proud of you. I love that you support me in every way possible, that you're always there to have a moan to about guys and that you're always 110% honest with me, no matter how brutal you have to be. Thank you for always responding to messages ASAP and helping me out of every sticky situation and helping me to laugh them off. I adore you so much!

Lauren this year you've been a God send. I don't know how I ever coped before I was friends with you because you're actually just so fab. You just get me, even when I feel like I don't really get myself. I'm so sad now you're not at work with me, but I love that we still see each other, go for 'quiet drinks' (literally what even are they) and that we send each other household items for our shared dream home. We look out for each other and look after each other and you are so important to me! I'm so glad I came to work at Topshop even if it's just because I got to meet you- thank you so much for all your help this year!

Chloe, Smithy, Hannah
You girls were pretty much the first people to know about my break up. I remember breaking down on Chloe at work just a few days after it happened after holding it together for so long and feeling so embarrassed and you were just so lovely to me, as you always are, Little Miss Smiley! Smithy, you were always telling it to me straight about what I should do/how I should feel and didn't let me take any shit from my ex, which I love and we've had some really good times this year- your nail problem is definitely one of the best memories I've got from this year, so disgusting and yet so hilarious at the same time! Hannah you just made every shift together bearable- we used to love laughing at a certain someone's extravagant lies, we're always taking bullshit and we're always the ones roped into bloody painting too! We're always laughing together girls, and I definitely wouldn't have made it through the year without you gals making life so much better for me at work every single day! 

Alex you quite literally changed my entire world, not to mention my life, this year, and I honestly can't thank you enough. I am no where near the same person I was at the start of 2016 as I am now and that is almost completely down to you. I've lost weight- encouraged and inspired mostly by you-, I have developed my confidence, I have more friends, I have a better social life, I rarely have a bad day because I'm always so busy laughing away with you and I'm totally obsessed with snapchat and being a town rat, so thanks. On a real though, I genuinely would have been so lost this year had you not come into my life and rescued me from what seemed to be a never ending black hole of misery- a hole that we both pulled each other out of. You let me do whatever I want, even if you don't agree with it, and never rub it in my face when things go tits up. You look after me when I'm hungover. You ferry me around here, there and everywhere. You get a bit stroppy with me if things don't go your way (e.g. you can't find a nice outfit for town...) and you've even thrown a drink over me in anger...but I think these lows just show how real our friendship is because no relationship with anyone is perfect right? I wouldn't be who I am today without you for sure, and I'm so grateful for you being there for me through absolutely everything that's happened this year- even the thing that got you a free hot chocolate. You know what I mean. I love you so much, forever, and I am eternally grateful for what you've done for me.

You know it's getting serious when I full name you, girl! I will never have the words to tell you how grateful I am for having you in my life, but this year above all others you have gone above and beyond for me. Starting with the pub crawl in January, trying to drag me out of my self pity and self loathing and being wonderful enough to introduce me to your (totally divine) university friends (Matt, Adam and Shoaib in particular). Then again in February, when you celebrated Valentine's Day with me, spoiling me rotten with gifts and taking me out for lunch so I wouldn't feel bad about being single for the first time in five years. In March and April you taught me how to make myself look pretty so that I could take good selfies, and encourage my bad behaviour with a certain fuck boy (ahem). We had a slight blip in the middle of the year, but when you're as close as sisters, arguments are bound to happen, and we overcame it regardless. Summer SHOULD HAVE BEEN AMAZING BUT DADDY GORDON HAD OTHER PLANS (cry cry cry) but you never ever stopped messaging me- we message all the time and you always check in on me to make sure I'm okay, no matter what issues you're going through yourself or how busy you are with uni or political shenanigans. You read every blog post, point out my errors, order every issue of my magazine, watch me on TV and big up my achievements in life to everyone, even your friends. I love your continual support and wouldn't be half as successful as I am without it. This year would have been so hard without you and without your endless love and patience and support and everything else. Thanks for recognising that I'm a real life princess and treating me like one, always. You're the best and I love you endlessly. #BestBitches

The fam
My mum, my dad, Clo, Vieve and Zoe. All of you, individually, have been there for me at one point or another this year (or in Clo's case particularly, several moments). Mum you were the first person to hear about my brilliant start to 2016 and console me all the way from Dublin; you have also consoled me several times throughout the year and encouraged me with my magazine, my blogging, boys and weight loss. Dad you aren't a man of many words, but when you do speak it's always to say something worthwhile. You always let me rant to you and feel better about whatever's going on, but at the same time you can recognise when I don't want to talk and don't push me to either. Zoe, you're one of the most kind and thoughtful people I know and you are always the first to offer an ear for me to rant to or some much needed advice! Clo, you're literally like my twin nowadays and I know I can tell you literally everything and anything and that you will 100% judge me, but only in the best way; a way that will help me make the right choice for me in the end. You crack me up and piss me off and I'm so glad we get on as well as we do now. Vieve, well, me and you have had a right old year! My little panketeer, you've listened (or at least pretended to) to nearly every problem I've had going on this year and always tried your best to cheer me up and make me feel better. I hate to clump all you guys together but it was just easier (and I'm lazy, soz). You've all been so brilliant to me this year and I love you all so much! 

Online pals
I hate to bunch you guys together too but I have no photos of each of us, so thought I'd just pop all my blogging/vlogging buddies together to say THANK YOU. Thank you for putting up with every single blog post this year, thank you for putting up with my break up, thank you for supporting me in everything I do online, for watching me on TV, for buying copies of my magazine, for even following my blog/social media at all. I'd like to say an especially big thank you to Lydia, Justine and Jade. The three of you have helped to make this year a little more bearable and I couldn't appreciate you more if I tried. 

You guys have all been incredible this year- thanks for putting up with me, helping me to get through the hardest year of my life so far and making me an even better person for it. You're all incredible and I love you all so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you 100000x over. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. ThankYOU for constantly inspiring me and being the best girl boss! I cannot WAIT to see what you achieve in 2017, I hope you continue to grow and thrive in all your goals!

    1. Love you so much Lyd, thanks for all your support this year, in every aspect of my life! I hope 2017 will be brilliant for the both of us!

  2. nice pics, you looking so lovely.

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