Being a Debbie Downer

So I know today's post is really late- I haven't done one of these in a while! But I just totally ran out of time today and so you're going to have to make do with one of my crappy chatty posts- sorry. 

I thought 2016 was a pretty bad year; not for me, but just for the world. We lost a lot of well loved celebs, we left the EU, Donald Trump became the President. It was all going tits up- but not for me! Yeah, sure, I'd gone through a shitty break up and was feeling a bit weird about life, but to be honest I was having a pretty sick time! I got a great new job, my magazine was going great, I was doing amazing things with my friends like going on holiday, seeing Beyonce and all that jazz. 

But in the last month or so I genuinely feel like life has taken a massive shit on me. 2016 can actually do one now. My year of being 21 started off so well but quickly went downhill. I can't be bothered to go into everything that's happened/been happening, and to be honest I don't want to go into it either. But let's just say I am so ready for 2017. 

I'm trying to focus on the positives of 2016 because I have genuinely had some incredible opportunities and done some amazing things too, some of the memories I've made this year are some of the best I've ever had! However, a lot of shit has also happened this year and I'm just so happy to forget all about it. In less than three weeks it will be time for a fresh start and I absolutely can not wait! 

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer today guys! I promise I'll have some better content for you tomorrow. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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