One of my favourite people in the world, Lydia, is doing something called 'Lydvent' over on her YouTube channel (which you can check out right here) and as an additional something alongside her Christmassy celebrations, she created a Christmassy tag! She's sent me the questions and I've given her my answers, right here in this post! If you want to join in the festivities, feel free! Just copy down the questions and then answer them in your own blog post or video. Happy Lydvent! 

1) Which Home Alone film is the best?
Ooh, I'd have to say the second one. While only the first and second are the ones worth watching, the second one actually makes me cry with laughter! From the minute the Wet Bandits reach Kevin's uncle house to the minute they leave I am in stitches! If you've seen it, you'll know what I mean!

2) Do you like mince pies?
Nope, not at all! They're so, so gross!

3) Do you like Christmas pudding?
Again, nope! I really don't like much of the traditional Christmas food!

4) Favourite Christmas song?
Oh gosh, this is so hard to pick! I really like The Power of Love, Fairytale of New York, Stay Another be honest, there isn't many of the Christmas songs I don't like!

5) What were you in the nativity at school?
I was actually the angel Gabriel, so quite an important role!

6) Best present you've received?
Oh gosh, I am honestly so fortunate in the fact that I have always got exactly what I wanted at Christmas! However, my Swarovski Beats headphones, iPod touch when I was younger, Fur Real bear cub when I was even younger have all been amazing gifts! I couldn't possibly pick!

7) Best present you've given?
I bought my ex-boyfriend a lordship (stupidly), so now he's a Lord with his own patch of land in the Lake District and a coat of arms, which I think is a pretty cool gift. However, buying my Dad a tablet and my mum a limited edition Irregular Choice handbag she thought she couldn't get was also pretty amazing...I can't wait for their gifts this Christmas though, as they're even better but I can't write those on here yet!

8) One big present or lots of little ones?
Lots of little ones! I love receiving little things like jewellery, stationery, clothes and so on, and then you have lots of little bits to keep you happy for ages!

9) Best Christmas chocolates?
Got to be Quality Streets! Especially Strawberry Creams!

10) Christmas twice a year or Christmas every two years?
Twice a year! I adore Christmas, and definitely wouldn't want to wait two years for it!

11) Favourite Christmas tradition?
Eating part baked, gammon rolls on Christmas Eve with lots of Pringles, watching different versions of A Christmas Carol!

12) Do you stay comfy in your PJ's or get glammed up on Christmas Day?
I get glammed up! I'm not sure why as I never go anywhere or do anything haha but I just love wearing something festive-looking and sparkly!

And there we have it! The answers to all my Lydvent questions! If you do take part in this tag, please send me the links to your posts/videos- I'd love to see all your answers! Thanks to lovely Lydia for tagging me!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Please can I come round for gammon rolls this year?! I've set a mental reminder to ask you what the special presents are once the big day is over and the recipients find out... it sounds like you put loads of thought into them, so they'll be amazing!

    Thankyou so much for doing this tag and linking me, you cheeky peach! xxx

    1. Of course you can!! You are welcome any time! <333 Hahah I hope they like them I really have tried to make them great!

      Not a problem you lovely lady, I'm about to catch up with all your Lydvent videos now! xxx


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