Favourite Christmas Traditions!

Inspired by the lovely Lydia and her LYDVENT series (you can see that here), I decided to share my favourite Christmas traditions with you guys! 

My mini tree
My mum usually decorates the house and puts up the main tree in her own time, sort of mid-December. I always put my mini tree up in my bedroom on November 30th in the evening, so that on the morning of December 1st, my decorations are up and ready to go! This was a tradition I had to break this year and I was very sad! 

Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve, we have a 'picky tea', with pizza and cocktail sausages and so on and watch the Christmas Carol with Patrick Stewart in it, as well as The Snowman and whatever made for TV Christmas show Channel 4 airs, such as The Snowman and the Snow Dog. It makes everyone feel so festive, and we all go to bed so excited to wake up in the morning! 

On Christmas morning, me and my sisters wake each other up and go and check out our stockings! We have a feel of some of the presents before we go and wake our mum up, and we all get on her bed and open our presents together! Last year we made our mum a stocking so that she could join in with us! 

Carousel ride
Every year, I go to Milton Keynes shopping centre and take a ride on the Christmas carousel. I have done this for literally as long as I can remember and I'm so hoping I can squeeze in time to do it this year!

Present opening
My sisters and I all have a set spot on the sofa and we all open our presents one at a time, with mum distributing the gifts! This way everyone gets to savour opening their presents and it also makes the present opening last longer too, instead of everything being done in one big, excited rush! 

No TV!
There is absolutely no TV on Christmas day, not even for films! Christmas day is a full on family day- opening gifts, playing with the gifts, playing games and eating food! 

Boxing day food
The cold meat dinner on Boxing day is what I live for- cold turkey, beef and gammon, pickled onions, cold stuffing and mashed potato COME AT ME. And also the part baked rolls with cold meat in for tea. Oh my life.

Thanks to Lyd for the inspiration, let me know some of your Christmas traditions in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. YES PICKY TEA!!! I love your tree tradition, such a nice way to get into the Christmas spirit and enjoy it all season!

    1. Picky teas are the best! I do love my Christmas traditions, I can't wait to have a family of my own to do them with!


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