Fictional Things I Wish Were Real
When I read books or watch films/TV shows, so often I find myself saying "That's so cool, I wish that was real!". Luckily, we live in a time where most of these things will become real one day- but they aren't real right now! Here's some fictional things I wish were real so I could take advantage of them right now!
Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator (FLDSMDFR)
As long as it didn't mess up and almost end the world like in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, I would love my own FLDSMDFR machine- I'd be able to have exactly what food I wanted, whenever I wanted it, and let's be honest, who doesn't want that?

Invisibility Cloak
Who doesn't want to be invisible for at least one day? I can think of so many things I would do if I was invisible (mostly bad things, like stealing designer garms and getting away with it haha, unlike Harry who uses his to do good). An invisibility cloak would literally be the coolest thing to own!

Marauders Map
Another Harry Potter prop, the Marauders Map. I don't think I even need to explain why that would be freaking cool to have.

Dug's collar
In Up, Dug has a collar that allows him to speak when he wears it. I would love to give my kittens collars that allowed them the power to speak to me, I reckon we would have the best conversations! I'm so sure cats are nothing but sarcastic whenever they speak.

The Sonic Screwdriver
The Sonic Screwdriver can literally do anything, and I think having one of those in my handbag would be incredibly useful!

Hobbit Holes
I would absolutely love to live in a Hobbit Hole! I know you can stay in Hobbit Hole style homes at a great cost, but I'm unsure as to whether you can actually buy a Hobbit Hole and live in one! I just love the round doors, they're so cute.

What fictional things do you wish were real? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
I would love to know what my pets thought and be able to hear them speak! I love all of these ideas xx
I wish I could hear my cats speak!! I bet they'd be so sarcastic and unimpressed!