Blogging every day

There is just two more posts left after today's before I will have completed my challenge/New Year's resolution of writing a blog post every single day for a year- plus one extra that I did for BJ's birthday! That's a grand total of 367 blog posts and let me tell you, I've learnt a thing or two about blogging in that time!

The most popular posts are the posts where I get personal; particularly about my body/body image etc. However, my relationship posts were also very popular. You guys just love to read all the personal details about my life you nosy buggars! 

It is incredibly difficult to find inspiration for a blog post every single day. Some days I'm really on it and other days I'm writing the most crappy post that I claim is a 'chatty catch up' with five minutes to spare before the day is over. 

It is also time consuming to write a post every single day. I even wrote a blog post for every single day of both of my holidays this year, somehow cramming in the time to do them all! I'm not sure how I did it but I'm pretty proud of myself regardless. 

It's very rewarding because it's given me the chance to create new content on a more regular basis than ever before, as well as to cover some topics I wouldn't normally do in an attempt to keep the content fresh, such as my Autumn fashion post! 

It's showed me what posts I love to write the most and which ones I don't. I love writing the personal ones because they evoke the better reactions from my readers. They are also very therapeutic to write too, and always make me feel better about whatever topic I'm writing about too! 

Blogging every day is a challenge but it has definitely made me consider full time blogging/content creation as a career. I think in 2017 I might start working harder than ever before to try and make this idea a reality- being a full time blogger/writer would be so cool! 

Blogging every single day for 2016 has been amazing and I can't actually believe a) how fast this year has gone and b) that I've actually managed to stick with one of the most unlikely of New Year Resolutions! I never stick to resolutions and I thought this would be another one that was too difficult/boring for me, but I was wrong! Somehow I've managed to stick it out to the very end and I'm so proud of myself! I'm not sure I'll be blogging every day for 2017 but I think some days I'll be sat twiddling my thumbs without having a blog post to write, so I'll probably be blogging more regularly than I did before this year! 

Thanks for sticking with all my blog posts this year, the good and the bad, and thanks to all of you who have read every single one- I know who most of you are and I absolutely adore you all you babes!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Well done! Blogging every day is such hard work but it is such a huge achievement! I'm the same as you - in 2017 I'm planning on working towards making blogging/content creation a full-time career in the future!


    1. Thank you! Let's hope we can make it happen, hey!

  2. I could never do this, I can't even blog everyday for a month! I would be so proud of myself if I was you xx


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