7 Things Boys Do That Irritate Single Girls
If 2016 has taught me anything, it's that boys are fucking annoying. Here're some of the most annoying things boys do.
Reply to messages days later
You know when you think you've got a good thing going with someone and then it turns out you're totally wrong? You've got some good banter, the conversation is flowing back and forth with ease and then suddenly they stop replying and hit you with a message three days later saying "Sorry I forgot to reply!". You forgot about me for three days? Alright then, boy bye!

Make every conversation about sex
I mean, God forbid I might actually want to have a conversation with you not about a physical relationship we may or may not have. Let me just talk about Made in Chelsea please!
Ignore your messages
And then claim they haven't been on whatsapp/snapchat/facebook all day, yet their "last seen" time tells you otherwise. Sure, okay pal, whatever you say! Don't waste our time.

Talk themselves up
You're sexting a boy and it's all going great, he sounds like he's gonna really give you the time of your life...and then when it comes down to it, he's a massive disappointment (in the nicest way possible, of course). He hasn't played out any of the fantasies he so gladly wrote up for you when you were both bored at 1am, he definitely didn't give you a night to remember and the next day he drops you a text asking if he was "okay". Maaaate. Leave it out. There's nothing wrong with being a little vanilla in the bedroom at all, just don't make yourself out to be something you're not beforehand, otherwise we're both going to end up disappointed.
Slate you when you turn them down
So maybe I didn't want to send you a picture, or maybe I didn't take you up on your offer of a date. Now I'm an ugly bitch you wouldn't touch with a barge pole? Please explain to me how that one works.
Send you unsolicited nudes
If I haven't replied to any of your previous messages of "hey hun", "hi" and "whats up?", chances are sending me an unsolicited dick pic out of the blue isn't going to get you much more of a response either! Just don't do it. We don't like it. Like, we really don't. Sorry babes.

Message you when they're not single
If you have a girlfriend, don't message a single girl in an overly friendly way- it's highly problematic. Not only is it horrible of you to do that behind your girlfriends back, us single girls are also going to get grief from your girlfriend even though you sent the initial message, and worse than that, we're going to have our selfies flung into some bitchy group chat where we will be slagged off for the next 5 days to make your girlfriend feel better.
Just don't do it.
Are you a single gal? What do boys do that irritate you?
Love from,
Florence Grace
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