Things that make me cry

I am a weeper. More so, in 2016. I have never cried as much as this year; for some reason, I've become overly emotional. When I told my dad I was going to write this post, he said "but everything makes you cry. Just write 'everything' ". Ha! He might be right, but here's a more specific list of things that have me feeling all emotional. 

Christmas adverts
I have cried at nearly every single Christmas advert this year, particularly the Marks and Spencer's advert. I'm not sure if it's just because I get so excited for Christmas or because I'm just soppy but I really love them! 

Tom Hanks
I don't know what it is but I have such a strong emotional attachment to Tom Hanks! No matter what film he's in, no matter what he's doing, I tear up and- in some cases- full on weep over him. Don't watch Forrest Gump with me if you're not prepared to see me as an emotional wreck! 

I am always so broody and whenever I see babies on adverts or meet babies I get all teary- when I met my best friend's baby for the first time it took a lot not to have a complete melt down! Babies are so cute and so precious and I just love them! 

I love 'em. I cry at the sad bits, the funny bits, the happy bits. Romcoms absolutely destroy me. 

Acts of kindness
When my mum brought me some garlic bread the other day because she thought I was sad, it made me cry because it was just so lovely! When I was younger, my best friend Jess used to surprise me all the time with spontaneous lovely messages and gifts to make me smile- things like this really touch me! 

Old men
This will sound really weird but cute little old men- like the one in The Holiday- really make me emotional! They're so sweet and when I see them struggling with things as simple as walking, my heart breaks!

Seeing my favourite bands/musicians live
I cry so much at concerts its ridiculous- when I saw Beyonce, I pretty much cried non-stop! The home videos she shared of her and Jay-Z were just too much to handle. 

There's hundreds of other things that make me cry, but if I keep going on we will be here forever! Let me know what makes you cry in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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