Happy Christmas!

As if Christmas Day is as good as over! I don't know about you but I feel like it flew by! Bit like the rest of 2016 really hey!

I've had an absolutely brilliant Christmas! I have honestly been so lucky and was spoilt so much by both my mum and by my dad and his girlfriend, as well as my sisters and friends. I'm not going to list everything that I got, but I definitely got pretty much everything I wanted/needed and couldn't be much happier! I'm an incredibly lucky lady and I feel very blessed. 

I've eaten a whole tonne of food today; a lot more than I've eaten basically in the last month altogether! A full on Christmas dinner, endless pringles, Quality Street's, pigs in blankets and everything else. I am stuffed

This year I was able to really spoil my family too, which was a brilliant feeling- after all they do for me all of the time its nice to be able to give them something in return. 

I'm spending the rest of my day watching films and snacking- I didn't want to spend too much time on todays post because ya know, Christmas, but gotta post every day! 

I hope you've all had brilliant days and got everything that you wanted! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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