My favourite things about Christmas

I've seen a lot of mixed feeling's about Christmas across social media this year. It seems now that we're getting older, a lot more people are starting to dislike it, whilst others dislike this time of year for more personal reasons, which is of course totally understandable.

On a scale of Grinch to Buddy the Elf, I'm usually way beyond Buddy when it comes to my excitement for Christmas. However, I've been feeling a bit miserable about it this year, so I thought I'd write this post all about the things I love most about Christmas to try and get me back into that festive mood.

Going to London
I absolutely love going to London to see all of the Christmas lights down Carnaby Street and Oxford Street. Of course, I absolutely love making an annual visit to Winter Wonderland too! Whilst it can be a little bit chaotic because everywhere is literally rammed with crazy shoppers, its mostly fun, the decorations are beautiful and Winter Wonderland's atmosphere will definitely have you feeling festive!

The music
I can not get enough of Christmas songs, despite working in retail. I absolutely love them, I know almost every word to virtually every Christmas song and will sing them no matter where I am or what I'm doing. One of the best things about Christmas is the music, no doubt about it.

Spoiling people
I used to love getting presents when I was younger. Now that I'm older, I love giving presents. There's no better feeling than seeing the look on someone's face when you've just surprised the with an amazing present that they absolutely love (I'm a bit of a present pro too, if I do say so myself).

Last years mega bundle of presents for my family! 

Wearing Christmas jumpers
Christmas jumpers are the best, am I right? I love choosing a new one each year and wearing it for as much of December as I possibly can! 

The food
Everyone knows Christmas is the best time of year food wise. In my house we stock up on basically every meat product you could imagine (Boxing Day cold meat dinner come at me), tubes of Pringles, a big tin of Quality Streets, After Eights, tree chocolates, part baked rolls and of course there's the Christmas Dinner too. I'd normally call myself quite a greedy person but I feel like Christmas really takes that to the next level.

Light switch ons
I have to attend at least one light switch on a year- I find that the atmosphere is just so festive! Everyone singing Christmas songs, having fun together, fireworks and entertainment; it all makes for a really lovely evening!

Christmas baking
I make a Christmas cake and various other Christmassy sweet treats every year without fail- whilst listening to Christmas music and wearing my Christmas jumper of course! Christmas baking gets me feeling full on festive and is definitely one of my favourite hobbies throughout December!

What are some of your favourite things about Christmas? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I'm not in the Christmas spirit but my nephew always cheers me up!

    Sarah | <3

    1. Awh that's lovely!! He does sound very cute in all your tweets!


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