Things you'll understand if you grew up in a house of girls

I am the eldest child of three, and all three of us are girls. In some ways, the three of us are incredibly similar (we don't care about anything, lash out at people who insult us, hate everyone etc. etc.) and then we are totally different too...and where there's differences, there's clashes. I've spent my life living in a house of girls, and let me tell you I've learnt a couple of things whilst doing so...

Privacy does not exist
I mean, at all. It didn't matter where I hid my Felicity Wishes diary, my sisters still found it, and vice versa. We actively sought out each others diaries to use them against each other! Growing up with girls I've also had to share the bathroom (not by choice), had my sisters walk in on me without knocking, had my stuff rummaged through so that one of my sisters could find something she had convinced herself I'd taken...oh gosh, it's endless. If you want privacy, don't live with girls. Trust me.

You end up sharing everything
For me, it's my hairbrush. Almost every morning I wake up to see my sister going through my cosmetics drawer, and almost every morning I say "What the hell are you doing?", to which she says "looking for your hairbrush". She doesn't even deny the fact she uses my hairbrush, she just accepts the fact that she doesn't have a hairbrush, I do, we share a room and so hey, presto, whats mine is hers. Cool. 

You will never get your own laundry 
It's first thing on a Monday morning, I'm running late for work because I've slept through my alarm. I'm still half asleep trying to get changed and for some reason, my jeans won't go over my knees...oh look, it's because they're my 14 year old sisters black jeans, not mine! 

For real, I end up with my mums clothes, my sisters clothes but never my own. All I can say is, make sure every girl you're living with has incredibly different dress sense- it will make your life a whole lot easier when it comes to washing. If you all dress in a similar way...well, get used to sharing. (See point two)

Your sisters will be the first to snake you out
My sisters love to snitch- particularly my youngest- but I have also done my fair share of snitching. As sisters, there's nothing better than watching your sibling be told she can't watch TV for the next week so you can have it all to yourself, am I right? 

...but they will also be your greatest ally
What do you mean the peanut butter jar lid is broken and just left in the cupboard hidden out of sight in the hopes that no one would ever see it or even think about it again? Nope, none of us have a clue who did that! 

As sisters, sometimes you just know which battles you need to stick together for. Fighting Mum over her jar of peanut butter is one of them. 

*Mum, this was just an example because I'm an uninspired writer. Honestly, none of us know what happened to the peanut butter jar lid*

You can wander around in your underwear because there's no brothers/dads around to complain
Honestly, I'm either in my pyjamas or my underwear. I only get dressed if I'm leaving the house and as soon as I'm home again, the clothes are off. We're all girls here, we all know what a bra and knickers look like, walking around in nothing but that is totally okay! 

Your periods link up
As is the case with all women living in close proximity, your cycles will definitely match up. In my house, if one of us has a particularly bad period, you better believe that we are all gonna have a bad period! It's best to avoid our house when we're all bleeding together (lol).

You will use their most precious items without asking
Yep, I have to admit if my sister buys a nice perfume then I will definitely steal a spray of it! Or if I'm short of make up wipes (hardly a precious item, I know) or concealer or something, I definitely borrow from someone else. Oops.

You're all actually besties
Yeah, you might fling the insults around, throw things at each other, having screaming fits that leave your neighbours deaf for weeks afterwards and torment each other almost non stop but...really you're all the best of friends! Me and my sisters get on so well (when we're not winding each other up) and I wouldn't have it any other way! Cute, right? 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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