It's Christmas Eve Eve and I could not be more excited! It's my last day of work until after Boxing Day today which makes me very happy as I was definitely expecting to be working Christmas Eve and Boxing Day! I also have no freelance work until 2017 now, so I'm going to have a lot of time to relax and fully enjoy Christmas! 

I might be 21 years old but I still joined in with putting my letter up the chimney for Santa's robin to come and collect last night. My Dad always prints Christmas patterned paper for us to write our lists on each year, which is one of the small traditions I love about Christmas- I don't ever want to be too old to do that! I didn't think I wanted anything for Christmas this year after being so spoilt for my birthday last month, but my list turned out to be almost three pages long...! Most of it's just trainers to be honest though, I can never have enough pairs!

I've got an eight hour shift at work today so I'm definitely going to make sure that we play Christmas songs all day long, and I'm wearing my Christmas jumper too- it's super cute, with Mr and Mrs Claus on and they've got fluffy hair/a fluffy beard. Now that I'm feeling far more festive, I'm definitely going all out! 

I've still got so many Christmas films left to watch- in particular I want to squeeze in watching all three The Santa Clause films and The Grinch, and then I think I've pretty much covered them all. My plan tomorrow is to plant myself on the sofa with all the Christmassy snacks and watch them all back to back! 

Tonight I'm seeing my friend Alex and giving her her Christmas presents. Whilst I do know Alex so well, I do find her quite difficult to buy for, so I'm a little worried she won't like what I've got her, but here's hoping! 

I've got to dash to work now- I'm running so behind! I hope you all have a lovely Christmas Eve Eve- let me know what you're doing today! 

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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