It's three days until Christmas and I've gone from not really feeling it at all to feeling full on festive! Today was my mums birthday; we ordered a take away, whacked on Polar Express and cracked open the tin (or tub, as it is now) of Quality Streets and I knew that Christmas was finally here for me! 

I'm so happy that I'm finally feeling a little more excited about Christmas. I realised that actually, I was being pretty selfish moaning about my Christmas. I'm actually incredibly fortunate because I have two families that I'll be celebrating Christmas with, as well as with my friends; Alec, Ricarda, BJ, Bobbie, Alex, Poppy, Abby and Lauren. I have a house full of decorations and full of all the Christmas food, I've got Christmas Eve-Boxing Day off of work and have time to fully relax and enjoy the holiday. I'm incredibly lucky and I'm glad I've realised it now and so can stop moaning about my lack of festiveness! 

I feel a little bit gutted because I so wanted to donate to my towns Christmas Toy Appeal (where toys are collected and given to children who won't be given Christmas presents) this year but I ran out of money and now I've missed the deadline. It's my aim tomorrow, when I've been paid, to find out where I can donate some toys to before Christmas and to buy some and donate them. Having worked with children, it breaks my heart to think of children who won't have as good of a Christmas as they deserve. If anyone knows where in Buckinghamshire I can donate toys to before Christmas (new toys!), please let me know! 

I am now fully looking forward to celebrating Christmas- roll on the next three days! Are you all looking forward to Christmas? 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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