Seven reasons cats are better than people

Seven reasons cats are better than people

If 2016 has taught me anything, its that people suck. Like, really, really suck. As a pet owner, I've come to realize that my cats- and cats generally- are far better than people. Here's seven reasons why.

You don't need to share your food with them
They might try to steal your food for their own but they never actually eat it, unlike humans who will always try and steal your food from you!


Cats don't have two faces
Cats make their feelings for you obvious all the time. If they don't like you, you'll know about it. They'll give you a quick scratch and tell you to fuck off if they don't want you around. They don't pretend to like you and then leave!

They let you dress them up
And let's not lie, we all have that friend we'd love to give a huge makeover but just wouldn't be able to, right? Well cats don't really have the ability to stop you from putting them in hilarious little costumes, and they always look so cute!

They aren't needy
Cats are so independent and can look after themselves. They don't rely on other people (other cats?) to look after them or sort them out, they can look after themselves perfectly well. 

They approve of sleeping too much
Cats sleep all of the time, so they don't mind when you do it too! They won't judge you for sleeping 20 hours of the day even though you should be working or whatever!

They listen no matter what
What you're saying could be utter bullshit, they'll still sit in your lap and listen to you blabbing on about whatever, whenever. The best part is, they can't interrupt you either. 

They don't reject your love
They might not revel in being cuddled and kissed all the time, but they don't stop you from doing it either, meaning you always have someone to 

Are you a cat person, or more of a dog person? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I suspect I am more of a cat person - even though I have never kept cats in my life. I have always felt as though cats are better than people, but then again, I don't like a lot of people anyway.


    1. Haha awh maybe one day you should get yourself a cat! They're not as dependent as dogs and its nice to come home to one and have it curl up with you while you work or watch TV! x

  2. This post made my giggle hun!! It's so true! I also adore my German shepherd because no matter what kind of shitty day I've had, he shows me such unconditional love! Fab post hun xxx

    1. Ah I'm glad you like it! Yes I suspect its a similar scenario with dogs- pets generally are just brilliant!

  3. I love cats so much and these are definitely so true! xx


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