My best pals Bobbie, Alec, BJ and Carda (excluding Pops and Abs- your time will come!) have had a unique blog post all about how fabulous and wonderful they are, so I thought it was about time I dedicated one to my best girl, Alex.

I've known Alex for ages, at least a couple of years, but it was only at the start of this year that we got to know each other properly, actually bonding over coming out of long term relationships and wanting to feel like we were ready to take on the world again. Over the last twelve months, we've been there through it all; ups and downs, smiles and tears, fuck boys and boyfriends (and a lot more fuck boys). She's thrown a drink on me, I always forget to message her first, but aside from the flaws we get on as well as sisters do, if not better!

I love Alex for a whole lot of reasons. She's absolutely crazy, but in (mostly) the best kind of way. She will always stand by my decisions, even if she doesn't 100% agree, and will let me moan about it the next day without saying "I told you so". She's boosted my confidence this year and taught me how to love myself and be confident with who I am as a person. She supplies me endlessly with bacon rashers, especially on my low days, she will drink until 4am even when she has work at 6am just because she knows I want a night out, she'll drive me around, pick me up and fund my sesh when I'm skinter than skint.

We've had an amazing year together! We've had endless nights out, some better than others. We've seen Beyonce, been to Wireless, been to EDC, seen Anne-Marie, done random road trips, got drunk way too much, cried a lot but laughed even more, burned one million calories dancing in Mirage, celebrated her birthday for three days back to back, celebrated me turning 21, made new friends, cut off old ones, fallen in love and had our hearts broken. We started this year together, and we'll be ending it together on New Years Eve, still single, but at least two dress sizes smaller and a whole lot smarter than we were at the beginning of the year.

Alex Ball, this love is not 70/30 like you think- its 100 from me and 100 from you, okay?! I love you tremendous amounts!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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