As its Christmas, you'd think that most people would be feeling in good spirits, happier and in good moods. It's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right?

So can someone please tell me why year in, year out, I see so many people being so bitchy online about what other people are doing/buying/receiving/eating/posting online?

I'm an over sharer. Most of you will know that by now. I adore social media, I'll post photos of my food, my presents, my family, my tree and I will give zero fucks what anyone thinks. Guess what? I think my new Thomas Sabo jewellery is really pretty and I wanna show it off to everyone so they can also appreciate how pretty it is! Similarly, I love seeing what everyone else has got! Show me your new socks, your designer bag, your gimmicky presents, I'm nosy and I'm interested in my friends lives and I want to see everything! I think if you spend your Christmas Eve/Christmas Day/Boxing Day sat online slagging off what people are posting about, there's an issue with you. You're either jealous or plain nasty, and neither one of those emotions is necessary on Christmas Day. Keep your bitter thoughts to yourself, okay?

On a similar note, Boxing Day. Some people love to go out and shop in the sales, others don't. Does it matter who prefers what? Not at all. So what is the need to slag off those who are going sale shopping? If you don't like it, cool, don't do it. It doesn't mean you should write rude and nasty things about someone else online just because they're sale shopping. It's totally unnecessary and again, has you coming across as nasty and bitter.

It's nice to be nice, and as nearly all of us were taught when we were younger, if you have nothing nice to say to someone, say nothing at all! You can unfollow people, you can block people, you don't even have to go online at all! But don't ruin someone else's day by writing nasty things about them because of how they're choosing to spend their day. If you feel like writing something, take a second to stop and ask yourself, why do you care? Why is it bothering you so much? Maybe by the time you've come up with a reasonable answer, you'll have reconsidered posting something nasty at all.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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