Six Signs It's Friday
All the memes
All those basic guys and gals sharing memes about "Thank God its Friday lets get lit turn up woo woo sick one drink drank drunk no ragrets" even though they have work at 9am on a Saturday morning.

The attitude problems
Its Friday. I don't give a fuck about my job anymore. Fire me bitch, I dare you. (But secretly I hope you don't because I need the money to celebrate all the other Fridays after this one, I'll be back and well behaved come Monday morning I promise)

The music
It goes one of two ways; you'll either be hearing Katy Perry's 'Last Friday Night' or Rebecca Black's 'Friday'... those with a real taste in music will settle for 'The Weekend' by Michael Gray. Obvs.

Girls suddenly look completely different
Girl were you always that tanned? Your hair looks longer! Where did those eyelashes come from? Those nails are insa- hold up. Is it Friday?

Everyone's buzzing
No one buzzes on a Monday. No one buzzes on any day of the week because every day sucks. So when people are buzzing, you know it's that magical time of the week...Friday.

Your phone is lit
Boys hitting up girls with the 'wyd tonight x' texts and girls sending out dog-face filtered selfies to show that they're ready to party and maybe even down to fuck if you play your cards right...but probably not because we're out to have a good time with our gal pals, am I right?

How are you spending your Friday night? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
*This post is intended for humour and not to cause offence*
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