Character over contour

Have you ever envied the way somebody looks? Of course you have. We all want to go through an incredible ugly duckling cum Kendall Jenner style transformation where we go from being just an average looking human to a complete gem- even when we all know it's about how much money you have to pay for various surgical procedures and how good you are with a contour kit. 

Truthfully though, you're always going to be beautiful to somebody. Even if you've only got a face that a mother would love (as the saying goes), that's still one person who finds you beautiful. Believe it or not, natural beauty is almost always better than an overly orange face, overplucked brows and the wrong shade of peach or coral on your lips. 

Whatever, wear make up or don't wake up, as long as you feel beautiful, that's the main thing. But have you ever met somebody so beautiful you just have to talk to them, either about their fab contour skills or about something else totally random, you just have to become friends with this divine human being. So you go over to start a conversation and discover...

...that they're super, super boring. What's up with that?

The thing is, the media industry has focused on a woman's image for as long as anyone can remember. For the last five years, it's been heavily focused on the importance of a gal's brows and over the last two years, how contoured a girl's face is. With the rise of beauty bloggers and vloggers such as Zoella and Velvet Gh0st, there is now more demand than ever for make up tutorials, new products, "cheats" to make our faces appear like Kylie Jenner's and so on. It's a crazy epidemic. 

It seems to be so crazy that many young women are choosing to focus on their contour and failing to focus on their character. At the end of the day, everyone gets grey hair, shrivels up with wrinkles and loses their looks- it's true! So if you focus so hard on your looks now, what will you have left when your looks abandon you? 

Character is so much more important. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to learn to develop your make up skills or improve on your looks- that's totally fine! But it's not fine to forget to work on yourself as a person too. They say don't judge a book by it's cover, but as humans, we definitely do! If you look amazing on the outside, we expect you to be amazing too and unfortunately it's becoming very hard to find people who have a personality that's as good as their make up skills. 

"If the whole world was blind, how many people would you impress?"

We have become a very shallow and self obsessed generation of people. We love to look great. Why don't we love to be great as well? We should want to aspire to more than to "look pretty"! We should want to have great sense of humours, the brains of a businesswoman, creativity, a sense of adventure and curiosity about the world around us, and more. We should want to improve on the person that we are all of the time so that we can truly be the best that we can be- and to be the best that we can be definitely goes beyond looking our best too! As the saying goes, "if the whole world was blind, how many people would you impress?". Would you be able to tell a great joke, show off your in depth knowledge on a particular subject, be kind or compassionate, be loving and caring, generous or strong? Are you more than your contour...or are you a bit- well. Bland? 

Girls, it's okay to want to improve your looks, because nearly all of us do! It's okay to love make up and to experiment with it and to want to change how you look all of the time for your personal enjoyment. It's okay to watch make up tutorials and aspire to look like certain people. What's not okay is to become a bland and boring person because you become so obsessed with your looks! Make sure that you still work on yourself as much as you work on your looks. Be an all rounder, with great character and great contour!

Love from,
Florence Grace 

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