Making a murderer, no money and my shambles of a life

The truth about today is that I didn't really have much to write about- hence why this post is so late in the day! I wanted to write all about Netflix's hottest new documentary, 'Making a Murderer' but I didn't have enough time (as per!) so that's one that will have to wait! Today, I thought I'd just talk about my life in general.

I think that my life is a shambles right now. I am behind in everything due to such a rocky first two weeks of 2016! Two weeks ago today my life changed- for the worst, or so it seemed. Two weeks later, I feel a lot better than I did, which has really surprised me, and the people around me. This wouldn't have been possible without the amazing support from my friends though- in particular (but not in any order) Bobbie, Chloe S, Chloe H, Justine, Zoe, Alec and my family too. So many people have approached me over the last two weeks, offered a shoulder to cry on, listened to me vent and held my hand as I transferred from a heartbroken, emotional wreck to a less sad, more angry about life but feeling a lot better and less emotional Flo. 

My life is also a shambles because I didn't do much freelancing this week, thinking that I had an extra £100 in my bank...when I don't. So I have 0 money and a big night out in London planned for this weekend, plus a few dates with friends next week and my best friends birthday meal towards the end of the month. Oh, not to mention bills coming out too! Fabulous. 

Hopefully my life will be more "back on track" as of next week. My fresh start for 2016 is well under way, and though the start of the year may have been the absolute worst for me, I am determined to make 2016 my best year yet. 

But for now? Time for some diary updates, life planning and some literal netflix and myself. 

Love from,
Florence Grace

Sorry today was boring! Maybe instead you'd like... Day 13 | Inspirational Women | 10 Reasons We All Want To Be Blair Waldorf


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