Are you a whiner or a doer?

I've come to find that there are two types of people in this world- the whiners and the doers. It is possible to sometimes overlap and be a little bit of both, bet essentially you're one or the other. 

Me? I'm a doer. I work my butt off 24/7. Well. Not literally 24/7 but sometimes for as long as 18-20 hours a day. I work part time at Topshop, I voluntarily write columns for two magazines, I blog, occasionally I do TV work with 4Music and some radio work, I study a diploma online and I also run my own magazine. Why? Because one day I want my work to stand for something. I want to bring about change within the media industry- hopefully with my magazine. I have a vision in mind and I have goals and I know exactly how hard I have to work to smash them. 

"I've got a dream that's worth more than my sleep"

Then you get the whiners. More often than not, they're the same as the doers. They have huge dreams, they know where they want to be and how to get there. But what's the difference?

They don't put in the work. 

They won't wake up early or stay up late, they'll make excuses and then they will whine about how they aren't where they want to be in life. (These are the same people who will complain that the Kardashian's are rich and famous for doing nothing, refusing to acknowledge the huge empire that family has built). They will moan how it's not fair, how life isn't fair, why are some people so lucky and they aren't? 

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful"

Puh-leaaaase. Hush your mouth. Let me open your eyes to something...

Everyone has 24 hours in a day. 

No one gets an extra hour to grind a little bit harder. No one gets any extra favours from the world allowing them more time to reach their goals. No one. You, Joe Bloggs down the road, Mark Zuckerberg and Beyonce all have the same amount of hours in a day. The difference between a whiner and them? They are doers. 

"You have the same hours in a day as Beyonce"

Now don't get me wrong. I know people have commitments. They have families to look after, jobs that last all day so they can pay the bills, exams to study for and homework to do. But if it's your dream, you'll make time for it. My mum is a single mum of three who works full time, runs a household and is also studying a full time course to be a personal trainer. My friend Justine is writing a novel, runs a blog, writes for my magazine and also holds down a job. I'm another example of someone who makes the time to achieve my goals. It can be done. 

No one is saying it's going to be easy- it most probably won't be! But it's about time management. It's about sacrifices. It's about prioritisation and time management. When you get these in order, reaching your goals and your dreams get's that little bit easier. That time you spend whining? You could spend planning out your day in a diary. That time you spend whining? You could spend making moves instead. 

I could go on. Some people might read this and get it. It might inspire them, motivate them and encourage them. Others will read it and think "Easy for her to say, she doesn't own a house/have kids/struggle to pay bills". 

You, my friends, are the whiners. Stop acting like the world and everyone in it owes you. No one owes you anything. You make your own destiny, you make your own dreams. No one else is going to sit there and make them for you. Buck up, or shut up. Quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing everyone's excuses and misery. 

Get motivated. Make a mood board, a timeline to achieve your goals, how and when you will do things. Stop whining, stop making excuses and stop complaining that every one else has it easier than you do. We all have 24 hours. It's how you choose to use it that matters. 

Start doing. 

Love from, 
Florence Grace

Enjoy this? You may like to read... Day 17 | Dream, Believe, Achieve | Think Big, Think Better


  1. Love this post hun and it's all so true! Really bugs me when people say they really wish they'd like to 'read a book' of all things lol but they don't have time. It's all about prioritising what's important. My dreams are important so I make time and sacrifice other things, sleep being one ha ha! And thanks for the mention. I've just finished a 12 hour day... Now for the pizza and wine! Xx

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! I know, quite whining and start doing!!! Ah you're welcome, I didn't think you'd mind me popping you in there! Have a good evening xx

  2. I agree! I am a doer, and I work hard every single day and I strive to achieve. However I've met so many people (at university) who are just lazy and expect everything to be handed to them. I used to live with flatmates and housemates who had the biggest entitlement complexes, and it's so irritating! I just think "work damn hard and get somewhere in life instead of complaining!" but I know they never will because they can't be bothered!


    1. Great to hear that you are a doer too! Lazy people with no motivation really grind my gears- I can't be around people like that!!!


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