7 reasons January doesn't suck!

I have seen so many blog posts, statuses and tweets about the many reasons why January sucks. I've even seen it be called the "Monday of the months". Poor January! I decided to turn this all on it's head and tell you all why actually, January is a great month! 

1) You can start the year with a literal bang. You get to start the year with a party- in what month? That's right, January! You don't get to party like you do at new year in any other month, and the 1st of January is a day off for almost everyone! For almost no reason! Fabulous, right?

2) You can start fresh. We've all heard the saying "new year, new me" and whilst most of us mock it, it's true. The month of January allows you to have a fresh start at life, it creates drive and ambition in people to do amazing things and encourages people to strive for bigger and better things- what's bad about that?!

3) Sales! There are sales everywhere! On holidays, clothes, day trips, furniture, literally everything! January is one of the best times of year to nab some brilliant bargains!

4) Feeling better. Most people start a detox, cleanse or fitness regime of some kind in January which means most people feel ultimately better in January than at any other time of the year!

5) New things. It's just been Christmas so if you were good all year long, hopefully you'll have lots of lovely new things to use/play with/wear in January, and these can also be blogged and vlogged about, providing you with great new content...it's a win win situation.

6) You become sensible with money. With January's pay day being the worst of the entire year, we are able to become more sensible with money in January, learning what we actually do need to spend our money on and what we can go without...such as endless take away's and new clothes!

7) It's followed by February. February is the shortest month of the year, so when you make it through January, February seems like a doddle and flies by!

See? January isn't all bad! It brings out the best in people and forces them to become high achievers- even if it is just for one month! Do you think there's something good about January that I've missed out? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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