Starting to get fit!

So, after the high hopes I had of being super productive today, I actually had a really lazy day. Okay, okay so I kind of have an excuse for the lack of running- the weather was appalling and so I really couldn't face going for a run in the freezing cold and the rain. However, I did take the time that I wasn't running to properly analyse other areas of my life that I need to improve on in order to become healthier generally. I have reached the following conclusion and made some small goals for myself:

- Sleep for no more than 8 hours a day. I used to sleep for 4-6 hours, but more recently with my flexible work hours I've been sleeping for up to 10. I thought it made me feel better, but actually its made me feel groggy and sluggish. I'm aiming to sleep for 7-8 hours a night now!

- Drink more water. I have got into a horrible habit of drinking just one drink a day, usually around 6pm with my dinner! I know, I know, shocking isn't it. If I drink more than once, it's usually coke which is really bad as my body seems to be addicted now, I crave it all the time! I'm not going to try and drink 2 litres/8 glasses of water because that seems unrealistic, but I'm definitely going to try and drink more. 

- Stop snacking!!!! I am so bad at snacking- I'd happily snack all day rather than eat three meals! However, I currently do both and I think this is the main source of my weight gain, so I'm definitely going to try and cut down on the snacks and see if this has an effect. 

I'm also going to be running with my sister...eventually. Hopefully I will be able to start tomorrow, if the rain holds off! 

Do you have any tips for improving health and fitness? Please share them with me below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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