How Pink has pulled me through my life so far

We all love celebrities, and most of us have one or two that we totally idolise, they have shaped the person we are today. I never thought I had a celebrity in my life who I felt had really influenced me until recently when I found myself in a pit of sadness and once again turned to the same great woman I always did- not Beyonce, not Kim Kardashian but Pink (or P!nk, as some of her hard core fans may prefer). I realised that in all of my hard times, my sad times and my darkest moments of self loathing, Pink had always been there for me. Not only is she an incredible individual who give's absolutely no sh*ts about what people think of her, she has great personal style that constantly changes, amazing hair do's in crazy colours and, most importantly of all, she sings about the hardest of times in the most uplifting of ways. Don't believe me? I've compiled a list of her most beneficial songs to demonstrate just how she has helped me out through the entirety of my life...

Child of divorce. 
I don't know many people who didn't listen to the smash hit "Family Portrait" when their parent's were going through a divorce and I was no exception to that rule. Pink managed to securely hit the nail on the head when it came to capturing the emotions every kid feels when their parents break up, and whilst I was hardly a 'kid' at the age of 15, I still related to this song completely and had it on full blast, repeatedly, for days.

Puberty and hormones. 
A lot of teenage girls end up going through a period of self loathing and I am included in that horrible category. I hated the way I looked, I constantly worried what people thought of me and that people didn't really like me. I was horribly paranoid for a teenager who actually had a large bunch of decent friends and lovely, healthy figure. "Perfect" got me through this emotional trauma, more so when my best friend at the time posted the song on my facebook wall to remind me that I was perfect and was doing nothing wrong. Thank you Jess- and thank you, Pink. 

Trying to find yourself.
When you and your friends start to grow up, it can be a struggle to try and fit in and find who you are as an individual. You might want to study more but don't want to appear nerdy. You might like to dress in short dresses and heels but are scared of being called a derogatory name. You get the gist. "Raise Your Glass" is the perfect anthem to help you realise that you rock as you are, you're a great person and you don't need to label yourself or fit into any particular niche! This was definitely a song that I had on repeat over and over at about 15/16!

Another great hit for finding yourself and feeling confused about who you are is "Don't Let Me Get Me". Pink perfectly sums up what it's like to live life as a teenage girl, being told by people (and the media!) to be one way when you want to be another way, and the confusion and angst that comes with that. 

The argument with the boys.
You're in a dramatic teenage relationship, everything becomes more magnified than it should. Pink was there for all the petty arguments with her hit "Just Like A Pill". It had just the right amount of drama, intensity and emotions to satisfy every OTT teenage girl. The song also worked for all those awkward, 'emo' stages that most people went through too...

The break up.
Her on and off relationship with Carey Hart has provided us lucky listeners with plenty of great break up songs to get you through the hardest emotions most teenage girls have to deal with- heartbreak, loneliness, confusion, anger and sadness. "Who Knew", despite being about the loss of her friend, is a song I have used to help me through my break up repeatedly. 

The sass queen.
Whilst the topic of the hit "U and Ur Hand" is questionable (hmm) there is no denying the sass, and this is a song I have definitely sung with someone in mind, someone who has tried it on or tried to take advantage of you. The hairbrush in hand, emotional hand movements and belting this out really has the ability to make you feel like the sassiest of queens ready to take on anyone who crosses you. (Also her outfits and hair do's really rocked in the video!)

Being in love.
When you're in love, most songs sing about her perfect and wonderful everything is all of the time. "True Love" manages to capture what being in a real, long term relationship is really like- and it's not all sunshine and smiles! Pink manages to express what it's like to fight with your partner but still adore them, and I could relate to the lyrics exactly. 

When life messes up.
Sometimes, everything in life messes up quite royally but you have to get on with it like everything is okay! "So What" cheers us up about this, reminding us that we are still fabulous even when everything is going wrong. I have had several moments where I have been pretending that everything is fine but actually my hair may as well be blowing up like hers in the video and I'm having a break down. Such larks. 

So thank you, Pink. You're a fashion icon and lyrical genius who has helped me through almost every aspect of my life since I was seven years old. I hope you continue to guide me through the up's and down's of my life for the foreseeable future. 

Are there any people who have influenced you throughout your life? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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