Why do people hate on the success of others?

Success is one of the best feelings in the world- especially because more often than not, it takes time to obtain it. You have to work your butt off before succeeding and when you do you feel on top of the world.

Over the course of the last year and a bit, I have been fortunate enough to feel success on quite a few occasions, as I'm sure those who are regular readers of my blog will know. Whilst a few of the successes I faced were through good luck, 90% of them were down to non stop hard work. Success is a great reward for hard work...and so I have to pose a question to you all:

Why are people so insistent on ruining people's success?

Seriously. Why?! I have noticed it happening to myself, my friends, people I follow online and even celebrities! Once someone achieves something successful, people seem to try their god damn hardest to tear them down and ruin their happiness. When a celebrity loses weight on their tummy, rather than congratulate, people will be quick to point out that their legs or bum are still fat. When a blogger reaches 100,000 followers whilst some people will congratulate, others will criticise "why do they have that many followers? Their posts are rubbish". 

I'm sure you get the gist, and I too have suffered at the hands of people trying to bring down my success via numerous online platforms. I don't understand why people are so bitter, so cruel and so insistent on making everyone else feel as bad as they clearly do! The age old saying "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" is still so relevant today- seriously, if you're going to say something nasty just take two seconds to stop and re evaluate what you're going to say, and why exactly you want to say this?

There are amazing creations on social media called block buttons. If you don't like someone, stop following them, hide them from your timeline, block them. There is literally no need whatsoever to be nasty to someone. If you aren't happy for someone else's success, if you don't want to celebrate someone's success that is fine! But don't try and ruin it just because you aren't happy about it! It's childish, immature and just plain nasty. It can even become bullying. 

If you have nothing better to do than try your damn hardest to find the smallest flaw in someone's success to make them feel bad about it then I really do pity you- what a sad and boring life you must lead! Maybe you should get yourself a new hobby...one that may lead you to be successful yourself one day! 

Think before you speak, think twice before you post. It's not difficult.

Love from,
Florence Grace 

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  1. Yes! I sometimes find that some people are threatened by another woman's success, and a lot of people hate to see others doing better than them. As an ambitious woman I have had moments in my life where people have tried to tear down my success, ambitions and achievements, which is sad, but if someone has a problem with my successes then that's really not my problem!


    1. I often say "If my success makes you angry, sad or any other kind of negative emotion then that's a problem with you, not with me!" because it's true! Sometimes it would be nicer if the negative people chose not to express their opinions for once!


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