Mo' money, NO problems
I am a big believer in signs. I believe in fate, destiny and that everything happens for a reason, all that kind of stuff. And if ever I received a sign, it was today.
As most of you know (because I keep going on about it) I entered 2016 single. Whilst I was sad about this, I've been choosing to focus on the positives that have come about because of the break up, and started planning new and exciting things I can do- maybe start driving, looking at internships in Paris, Rome, New the world, move out by myself, spoil myself more rather than spoiling the man that no longer exists in my life, invest more money and time into my magazine so that it takes off...the possibilities are endless, but all of them involve me gaining independence, moving forward in life and growing as a person- by myself. However, all of this involves money- money that usually I don't have.
Although I don't get paid until tomorrow, our payslips arrived at work today. I saw three figures on my piece of paper- my normal salary, and a number underneath were the first to catch my eye. I assumed the number underneath was the final total with my overtime on top and was thrilled at what it said. And then I looked further down and the number was even bigger. Vastly bigger. I hate to be crude, but the grand total I received was triple my usual salary. Thank you Chirstmas overtime and extra hours and my new contract!!!!!!!!
Whilst this did make me literally scream with excitement, I couldn't help but realise that this was most definitely a sign. Everything I wanted to do, I could finally put some money towards. I could take out my normal salary and give myself a little extra spending money and then completely save the rest and put it towards one of the numerous things that I want to do, be it travelling or moving out. This pay check also reminded me of the benefits you can reap from hard work. I worked almost full time hours throughout December, and have started a new contract as of January which has double the hours I used to do- so it's nice to finally receive the awards of all of my hard work. The hours of rushing around, numb feet, ungrateful customers and lack of family time- all of it seems worth it now.
This is my first pay check of 2016, of the new year, and I can't help but feel like there are so many good things to come for me now. I know they say that its not all about money, but having a lot of it really does help sometimes! I can't wait to put a large chunk of this months pay into a savings account and start to pursue something exciting. Travelling, driving or moving out- who knows? All that's certain is I am so grateful right now and I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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This post made me smile. More money means less problems! I love money and money certainly helps with so many things! Unfortunately I'm a student so I am surviving on the basic loan but I work three casual jobs (all ambassador roles.) I've been working a lot in one of my jobs and I have an opportunity coming up in a couple of months so I'm expecting a lot of money in a bank account which is great! But I wish I could get a regular income. My ideal scenario would be to make a regular income from my blog.