What makes your eyes roll?

Eye rolling, cries of "ugh" and heavily sighing have caught on in a big way since being sassy rose to the top of everyone's priority list in 2015. With the likes of Lucy Watson to help assist us with our eyeball technique and Stephanie Davies to help us with our mouthy attitudes, now more than ever we are an exasperated, insulted and generally fed up generation of people. So, what is it that get's us huffing and puffing more than anything else? 

Stupid questions.
"Do you work here?" asks a member of the public to you as you stand in the uniform emblazoned with the company logo. "No, I'm just wearing this outfit for fun". *Eyeroll*. Ouch. Want some ice for that burn?

Rude people.
"You're so rude to everyone all of the time, stop rolling your eyes to heaven and huffing and puffing at me, look at me when I'm talking to you! Why do you only wear black? And why do you never leave the house? You're always online! This is not a productive lifestyle!" *Eyeroll* *Sighs* *Eyeroll again*

People who move at the pace of a snail.
*Exhales as loudly as possible to express annoyance at being trapped behind a human snail only to be drowned out by the heavy breathing of said human snail huffing and puffing as they pull themselves along at 0.25mph*

Men in vans.
"Alright love nice legs" they yell from the window of their dirty white van with "clean me" scribbled on the back window. Yes, I'm so attracted to that! Thanks for hitting me up! Let me hitch a ride and give you my number! Lol, not. *Sigh*

Boys who are full of themselves.
"Hey babe wanna go somewhere quiet?" he shouts in the middle of a tacky nightclub. "Don't touch me or I'll rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat" you respond calmly as your cringe away from his sweaty palms. In the words of Cher, UGH! AS IF! 

People who underestimate us and/or insult our intelligence.
"But you do know that bag costs the next three months rent money, right?" *Sigh* "DUH I can read" but a girl can treat herself, so shut up.

What makes you roll your eyes Lucy Watson style? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. What makes my eyes roll? A lot of these, especially rudeness and lack of manners.



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